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Everything posted by Shonumi

  1. I don't still don't thoroughly know why people need anything other than a plain vanilla quick and dirty text editor, no thrills no frills. The fanciest my text editor should ever get is an option for Word Warp. But this is just me and opinion. I do what I need to do without fanfare. So I'm in the Notepad camp.For me, as a programmer, I find text highlighting superflous and annoying, it doesn't help me. I wrote the code, I presume I should know it well enough. I don't use indenting; I found that an impedemant when I first started coded, it makes it harder for me to read. The only caveat I can find is the lack of numbered lines, but Opera is good enough at alienating offending lines of code that I don't really need them, or I just write error free code.
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