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Posts posted by Synook

  1. Think we'd need tutorials on Java, C and C++, Visual Basic, Perl, Python, and many other more popular programming languages on W3Schools before they think of a MSSB one - that language isn't even out of the lab. Anyway, it is W3schools :)Apparently there is a "Introducing Small Basic" document included in the MSSB IDE - you could use that.

  2. Oh, I thought they were talking about Charles Cabbage and his famous son, Brussel, called Sprout. His cousin on his wife's side was Cole Slaw. Cole married an Irish lass and had a son George Bernard Slaw.
    I thought Charles Cabbage was the inventor of an early printing press that ran on steam power? :)
    • Like 29
  3. There can never really be a complete list of MIME types - for example, a new one could be invented for appml: application/appml+xml, and as long as the required agents understand, it is fine.IIS don't call their server a HTTPD though, so it may have a different MIME type for PHP documents.

  4. They are so helpful to me even with my noobiest questionsModerators I'd like to recognize in particularIngolmejustsomeguy
    lolGH4 demonstrates how peaceful the moderators are - hardly distinguishable from ordinary members :)
  5. The two concepts mentioned above are fairly universal, it is only implementation that differs. Remember, everything you write in any programming language can be said to be an algorithm :)PHP doesn't technically have data structures, afaik, as it doesn't have that sort of relationship with the memory. All variables are just stored along with their pointers in a big table, for random access. Well... it has arrays, I suppose.I may be wrong though.

  6. Also, as msd found Google likes "friendly URLs" better, so www.panasystem.com/pana/Detail/Samsung+D600 would be better than www.panasystem.com/pana/Detail.asp?item=Pro1005. I don't know how to achieve URL rewriting on Windows servers though.

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