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  1. Hi!I want to know how the session handling is done in HTTP in a detailed way. About the way in which the Cookies are used, i am a bit familiar about. But i want to know how the session handling is done in the remaining ways. I want also to know what will be the Web-browser's role in maintaining the user's sessions. What the data that the browser will send to the web-server in order to maintain the user session.Thanks much for any help,Vijay
  2. Hi fnds! I want to know how to get a prompt msg in the web pages (just the way many password protected sites do) for username and password. I read that if I set the response headers likeresponse.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "BASIC realm=\"executives\"");i will get the effect i need.But it is not working. So please tell me the way i can do that.Any advice is appriciated.Thanks,Vijay
  3. Hi! go to the URL http://LocalHost:8080/admin (IF 8080 is ur port)and login using the admin username and password(which are set at the time of installing Tomcat).And then u can have a split screen.The left part contains a tree structure where in u select CONTEXT:LOCALHOST and select ur application.On selecting ur applicatoin u can have "DataSources" option.Click on that , U get a screen in the right part wherein u can set the driver class, number of connections..etc.Bye,Vijay
  4. Hi fnds! I am using com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest class to get the uploaded files from the client. But the problem I am facing is that whenever a big file is uploaded the POST method's limit on amout of data is stopping me to send.Please tell me if I can overcome this problem atleast to some extent.And also plz let me know is there a built-in mechanism in the Servlet Technology itself meant for file uploads.Any suggestion is heartfully thanked.Regards,Vijay
  5. hi! i think it works<body onUnload="confirmOnce()"><script language=javascript>function confirmOnce(){ if (window.event.clientX<0 && window.event.clientY<0) { alert("Bye Bye"); }}
  6. Hi! try out this. if ur button is a radio button as follows,<INPUT type="radio" > , add an event handler for that button as<INPUT type="RADIO" onclick="f()">and the defination of the function f() is,function f(){ document.urForm.submit();}********thats itand the prerequesite is that u have to have a form which u want to submit 'urForm'Bye
  7. hi! i dont know much about the secure and non-secure connections(http:// and https://).But I think it is wrong to write opener.document.location = 'some URL';and it is correct to write opener.location = 'some URL'plz try it once
  8. Hi! I would like to know whether the HttpSession object's method calls(like set and get attribute methods) synchronized or not.Please clarify me.ThanksVijay
  9. first of all, thank u. my dount is as follows... can we avoid the HttpSession object's usage completely with the usage of the Stateful session beans? if s how?thanks much,vijay
  10. Hi! plz tell me the mechanism to maintain the session tracking of a HTTP client with Stateful session beans.I am with an opinion that eventhough it is a stateful session bean,I need to put the data that whatever i need to track of ,into that bean (using some methods)and after that I need to place that stateful sesion bean into the HTTP Session object just like any object. So i doubt that there is no meaning for the Stateful Session bean without the HTTPSessoin object. I also have so many doubts but i can be cleared only after these doubts are cleared.Please clarify my doubts,Thanks much,Vijay
  11. Hi all! I have a small Application in which I need to insert an image into the Oracle 8i Database Blob Column and later I need to send that image to the Browser from a jsp.When the same code which i am putting below is executed in the stand alone programs, it is workig fine.But i am not getting the Image in the right format later due to which the Image is not opened.This is my code snippet in the stand-alone java file to insert the image.This same Image which is inserted with this prog is retrieved well with another stand alone java prog.And I am using a Type 4 jdbc driver*******************************Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); File file = new File("c:\\image1.gif"); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); stmt.execute("INSERT INTO testimages VALUES(empty_blob())"); con.commit(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT image FROM testimages FOR UPDATE"); while (rs.next()) { oracle.sql.BLOB blob = (oracle.sql.BLOB)rs.getBlob(1); OutputStream out = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); int i; while ((i=fin.read())!=-1) { out.write((char)i); } out.close(); } con.commit();******************and my jsp code snippet isresponse.setContentType("multipart/form-data"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition" , "attachment;fileName:image1.gif); java.sql.Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.execteQuery("SELECT image FROM testimages"); while (rs.next()) { java.io.InputStream in = rs.getBinaryStream(1); int i; while ( (i=in.read()!=-1) { out.write((char)i); } } out.close(); %>Thanks a lot,VijayPlease solve my problem.
  12. Thank you very much Manoj for your suggestions.
  13. Thank you very much Manoj!Regards ,Vijay
  14. Hi! Please tell me how to create PULL-DOWN menus in html and I also saw Anchors in those menus.Please tell about that also.Thanks much,Vijay
  15. Hi! is there any way to apply color to the SELECTED TEXT in the TEXTAREA element in HTML? please write if u know one.Thanks a lot.Vijay
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