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Everything posted by JCKnoell

  1. Well duh... that was easy. Oh CSS... it's always something super simple and obvious. Thanks for your help guys.
  2. My site www.bebraveinfertilityjourney.com is behaving oddly. I originally tried to get my sidebar to extend all the way down to the bottom of the page, which i why I started setting all my divs to "height= 100%". It didn't work, so I fixed it instead, which freezes the sidebar so it scrolls with you. I'm okay with this solution, but now there is a strange white background that only goes halfway down the page. If you can see, it stops right around the beginning of the next post. I want the background of the article to be white, but it should only be about 10 pixels out on either side of the text itself. The top portion is much wider. Any ideas on what is causing this? For your information, I am using a child theme to edit the twenty fourteen theme in wordpress. Thanks for your help!
  3. Okay, so I think I found one that will work. I installed "Collapse-O-Matic". The issue is that the plugin itself isn't working on my site.This seems to be a common error on the forums, but I've tried everything listed in those threads and it's still not working on my site.http://beta.cleantelligent.com/benefits-test-mobilityI am thinking it's likely an error caused by my theme, as I tried a WP theme and it worked just fine.I can't find any conflicts in my console though... any help would be much appreciated. thanks!https://wordpress.org/plugins/jquery-collapse-o-matic/
  4. I have downloaded several WordPress plugins for text expansion. However, none of them seem to have the one feature I need.I need to be able to click a link to expand the text, but when you click a different link, it closes the previous one as well... Are there any ways to do this? I don't know very much jquery, but this seems to be the favorable way to do it... Can anyone hold my hand a little here?http://beta.cleantelligent.com/benefits-test-mobility is the page with the current expander plugin activated. I'm currently using one called Expand +Collapse Funk.Any help here would be fantastic! Thanks!
  5. Yes, I understand. I have to absolutely style this form in order to get it to behave. It's a mixture of styling provided by the contact form 7 plugin, and my own relative styling to get the field to line up. My question is, why does it work in Firefox and not the other two? Do I need to change something and start over? Any help here is appreciated... This is a huge deal for the site and needs to be fixed right away... :S
  6. Okay, so my site, http://www.cleantelligent.com, has a specifically styled form in the footer. I had to use inline styling to get all the fields to show up where I need them. In Firefox and IE, it looks fantastic and all lined up. But when I opened it in Chrome, all the fields are misplaced. I tried using the following browser hack: /*Chrome Fix*/@media screen and/*!*/ (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {.infusion-field-footer{ float: left; padding-top: 5px;}.chromefix-fn{ position: relative; left: -200px !important; margin-top: 3px;}.chromefix-phone{ left: -6px !important; position: relative !important;}} But it's still not affecting the styling in Chrome. Any ideas here? I can post any additional code you need upon request.
  7. Honestly, they're not telling me much. The css should be right too. I can't find the issue. The inspector says it's loading the sidebar class <div id="secondaryblog" class="widget-area" role="complementary"> but it's not loading the content...
  8. For my WordPress site, beta.cleantelligent.com , I have a blog which has a custom sidebar. (sidebar-blog.php)When you click on a single post (single.php), the sidebar goes away, even though it is correctly coded into the php.http://pastebin.com/sRE1GV1W - Single.phphttp://pastebin.com/Q6ej6qM5 - sidebar-blog.phpIs there any idea why this isn't showing up? I'm not super proficient when it comes to editing functions.php, so if it involves that, please explain it in simple terms and specifically.Thank you!
  9. I have started over on designing my website's blog.beta.cleantelligent.com/blogI am trying to use a custom template (t-blog.php) to design the page. It will also need a custom sidebar in order to list archives, etc.This is different from my main website.I can't seem to get the blog template, or the blog sidebar to work. Nor is it displaying my posts. I have changed the settings in Reading so that "Blog" is my posts page.Any idea why it's not working at all? (The title of the page seems to be calling my most recent posts title, but the blog post itself is not there.)
  10. the website is http://columbiamillworks.com/photo-gallery/arches/ If you hover over "photo gallery" in the main nav, the dropdown is positioned behind the galleary plugin and you cannot click any links below the gallery-wrap. I have tried using z-index to no avail. Any idea why those links aren't clickable?
  11. I'm using AutoThickBox. (http://wordpress.org/plugins/auto-thickbox-plus/)The plugin is firing just fine. However, the thickbox pops up down in the bottom right corner of the screen. How do I position it over the image they have clicked? I'd like it centered on my page. Where is this option?I feel comfortable modifying the css, if I could only figure out where the code is for the position of the window...Any help?my website is beta.cleantelligent.comThe video is on the final slide of the slider.
  12. Well, that was it.Wordpress was adding line breaks and <p> tags. I downloaded a plugin that disables that called RAW HTML, and checked the box telling it to not do that.Thanks!
  13. Can I just remove the tinMCE editor? I do all my coding in the html portion anyway and I'm the only content manager for the site.. Would removing the plugin do the trick?
  14. Ugh... WordPress... How do I do that? The spans are in the code, but you're right, I'm not seeing them in the source on beta... How do I fix this?
  15. If you look at www.cleantelligent.com/tour, you will see active, working tooltips that are stylish and useful. They are purely CSS without any JS or jQuery.We have moved to a WordPress install and I am trying to copy and paste code from our live site to our beta.cleantelligent.com/tour So far, everything is great, until these tool tips. For some reason, the CSS is not being read across.Is this a WordPress issue? Is it reading my code differently?
  16. Thanks for taking a look, but I fixed it using an !important in the ie.css
  17. I have created some tooltips based on http://sixrevisions.com/css/css-only-tooltips/ They work great and look great. The only issue is that in IE, the "img" is misplaced. Unfortunately, the only way I've been able to get the tooltips to work is by putting the css in th php document itself in a tag. This precludes me from being able to use an ie.css sheet because the styling in the doc would overrule it, right? The website is www.cleantelligent.com/cleantelligent-pricing and cleantelligent.com/cleantelligent-pricing/custom-package/ Any idea how I can move those images over so they line up on IE?
  18. Stripe has an easy pay with card button. I want to hack it so I can pass a custom amount to it. (It defaults to 20)The site currently under construction is http://pecosselfstorage.com/testpayments.htmlI need the customer to be able to put in however much they want to pay. Whether this is in the pop-up after they click the button, or on the page next to the button doesn't matter much. I'd prefer it to be in the pop-up however.Please don't just post links to Stripe's site, I've been through all of that and can't find any help there.Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks!
  19. I am using the default Slideshow included with WordPress (It's listed as "Nivo") I am trying to use shadowbox.js as a player, however you have to add the "rel" tag to the individual attribute. The issue is, where do I add that tag? The image is not an tag, it's an actual "page" in the slideshow tab on my wordpress admin navigation. I have access to the ftp, but I don't know where to go in there either. Any thoughts?
  20. Yep, that worked! Thanks!
  21. The website is www.cleantelligent.com/tour/This image, as a background, has tooltips and links on it.The issue is that, if you re-size the window, the image and title (the main div, I think) moves left and right. This means that the "Take the Tour" sub-head isn't always aligned perfectly underneath the "Tour" Title in the black bar above. They should be lined up down the left so that the image is centered underneath the header content.Is it my positioning that's causing this? If so, how can I fix it? I've tried positioning it absolutely, but that collapses the page and the footer pops up to the middle.Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!
  22. Oh my goodness. Isn't it funny how there's often such a simple answer that you should have thought of? Sigh.. Thank you a ton! It's fixed! It was a z-index issue.
  23. I have anchor links on icons for social media at the top of my page. As far as I can tell, the links and anchors are coded correctly.But for some reason, I can't get the icons to be clickable.The website is www.cleantelligent.comHere's the code for the icons themselves: <!--SOCIAL LINKS--><style>#UpperLinks{ position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: 380px; white-space: nowrap; padding-top: 27px;}#UpperLinks img{ width:auto;}#PhoneTop{ font-family: 'News Cycle', sans-serif; color:#D1D1D1; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: 345px; white-space: nowrap; margin-top: -12px;}</style><div id="PhoneTop"><img style="position:relative; top: 8px;" src="/wp-content/themes/cleantelligent/images/phonetrans.png" />(801) 375-0375</div><div id="UpperLinks"><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/company/cleantelligent_software" target="_blank" ><img height="22" width="22" src="/wp-content/themes/cleantelligent/images/linkedin.png" /></a><a href="https://twitter.com/#!/CleanTelligent1" target="_blank" ><img height="22" width="22" src="/wp-content/themes/cleantelligent/images/twitter.png" /></a><a href="http://www.facebook.com/CleanTelligent" target="_blank" ><img height="22" width="22" src="/wp-content/themes/cleantelligent/images/facebook.png" /></a><a href="https://www.youtube.com/CTsoftware" target="_blank" ><img class="socialicons" height="22" width="22" src="/wp-content/themes/cleantelligent/images/YouTubePlay.png" /></a></div><!--END OF SOCIAL LINKS-->
  24. I am working on a website with 4 servers with a load balancer. It is www.cleantelligent.com.All of the servers have an idtentical copy of the website on them. But on one of the servers, there is a white bar above the main content, below the header, that should not be there. I've tried re-copying all of the css and index files to the server, but it's still not working.The server is called enos.So, it's enos.cleantelligent.comCan anyone tell me what's causing this stupid little white bar? It's not showing up as an individual element, but as part of the background content, I think?
  25. Sorry all, my stylesheet is called in the header file which is called on every page using php. I DO have the CSS linked properly, or else nothing else on the site would be working. The tooltips are located at the bottom of the style sheet. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/wp-content/themes/cleantelligent/style.css" /> @dsonesuk, I'll take a look at that. Thanks!
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