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Posts posted by chrepair

  1. most likely the reason you got an error when inserting in to a datetime field the quotes around the variable.did you insert the variable like this???
    sql = "INSERT INTO greg" _        "([Date], New) VALUES(" _        "'" & dateVar &"','" & newVar &"'"

    I am pretty sure having '1/1/2006' will cause an error.Try this

    sql = "INSERT INTO greg" _        "([Date], New) VALUES(" _        dateVar &",'" & newVar &"'"

    The different is I removed the (') from around the dateVar

    Thank you once again!I did a little playing with the example you gave me to make this work. I "DIM" the da variable to (DATE()) on the page that posts and used your example that added the variable directly to the database. Then jsut put in the write.responce to display it on the page. I did not know i could directly insert a variable without any " or ( like that. So thanks again!Obviously I need to learn this programming or atleast want to....do you recommend and quick reference guides or books that I can buy that can explain this easily so that even a novice such as myself can understand it and get it working without forum help? I greatly appreciate all your help but i do feel bad continually bugging you with what appears to be trivial information should I have a book to learn from. I have and am learning tons of info from you and I again can't thank you enough!
  2. ok, believe it or not I think there is still an error occuring. I should have seen this earlier.comment out this line
    on error resume next


    'on error resume next

    This line is telling the code to continue even though there is an error. This should cause an error and we should see what is really going on.Also The fields Date and New, have you used these in any queries on other pages??? I think Date is a SQL key word. You might want ot try writing it like this

    INSERT INTO greg ([Date],New)

    Just a thought, let me know the results of both of those.

    YOU DA MAN!!!That was the problem. When i first put the ' in front of the error code on the page, the page would not display at all. Then when i added the [] to date the page rendered and now it say "1" record added instead of just record added. When checked the record indeed did add to the data base. Good job thanks a bunch!For my next trick i want to make a form that deletes records and I am sure i will be contacting you about that.As far as formatting goes, if i follow CSS examples will that make things look how i want them to look code wise?Also with this add record page i would like a date to be inseted into the database as the first field and give the uer no option to change that when adding a record but not sure how to go about that one. So that when a users goes to the add page the first "date" field will display the current date(and time) and under that in the "new" field will be where you can type. I was playing with trying to have it auto insert the date but i think this code is written totally wrong for this type of add to database. I also tried formatting the actual database fields in access to a date format which just made the page error then. All my database fields are text as of now.any thoughts?
  3. Cool.The page works and displays record added but no records have actually been added. There is no error this time though.What are your thoughts?

    Also I have emailed you private links to the actual forms on the pages if that will help.
  4. Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end ifconn.close%>

    you need to remove the 'end if'

    Cool.The page works and displays record added but no records have actually been added. There is no error this time though.What are your thoughts?
  5. change
    if err<>3 thenResponse.Write("No update permissions!")else Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end if

    to this

    Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")

    That way we can see the real error that is occuring. Post the error you receive from this.

    Now i get this...The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. I took out the error code but the page won't render at all. There is some kinda code problem somewhere.here is the code with that area removed. Must be a typo somewhere.<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "D:/Websites/Inetpub/Gregs/DBA2/northwind.mdb"sql="INSERT INTO greg (Date,New)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("da") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("ne") & "')"on error resume nextconn.Execute sql,recaffected Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end ifconn.close%></body></html> here is the page befrore it...<html><body><form method="post" action="dadd.asp"><table><tr><td>Date:</td><td><input name="da"></td></tr><tr><td>Type First Comment:</td><td><input name="ne"></td></tr><tr></tr><tr></table><br /><br /><input type="submit" value="Add New"> <input type="reset" value="Cancel"></form></body></html>any Idea's?
  6. hello again all.I am simply trying to insert a new record into my data base and keep getting some type of error.Here is the code for the first page...<html><body><form method="post" action="dadd.asp"><table><tr><td>Date:</td><td><input name="da"></td></tr><tr><td>Type First Comment:</td><td><input name="ne"></td></tr><tr></tr><tr></table><br /><br /><input type="submit" value="Add New"> <input type="reset" value="Cancel"></form></body></html>here is the code for the 2nd page...<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "DATABASEPATH.MDB" ---this is correct on my real pagesql="INSERT INTO greg (Date,New)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("da") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("ne") & "')"on error resume nextconn.Execute sql,recaffectedif err<>3 then Response.Write("No update permissions!")else Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end ifconn.close%></body></html>Simpel, right?I have other pages that access this same database and i can change records with no problems, so it's not a"no update permissions" error like I am getting with this code here. Can anyone tell me how to change this code so that I can get an accurate error report as to exactly what kind of error is happening? Also any clues why I am getting an error at all?thnaks.

  7. Hello all.I am using ASP and have a database and a page to display the data in the database.What I want to do is have my display page show the word "RESERVED" for fields in my database that have SOMETHING (words, letters, numbers, characters-etc) typed in them. For fields that are blank or have nothing in them I want the word "AVAILABLE" displayed on the page. Below is the code that I have for the display page.Any idea's?<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30"> <html><style>#MainTable th{ width: 50px; color: #000099; font-size: 24; font-family:andy;}</style><style type="text/css"><!--.style1 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 10px;}body { background-color: #000000;}--></style><%dim nameaval="AVAILABLE"%><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT Time, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday FROM greg"rs.Open sql, conn%><table id="MainTable" width="750" height="20" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#0000FF" bgcolor="#00FFFF"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields response.write("<th align='center' bgcolor='#00CCFF' font-family:andy>" & x.name & "</th>")next%></tr><%do until rs.EOF%> <tr> <%for each x in rs.Fieldsif x.name = "Time" then%><td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color:#000099;font-family:Andy;color:#FFFF00;font-size:15pt;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #666666"><%else%><td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color:#66FFFF;font-family:Georgia;color:#663300;font-size:12pt;font-weight:normal;border:1px solid #666666"> <span class="style1"><%end if%><%Response.Write(x.value)%></div> </span> <div align="center"></div></td><%next rs.MoveNext%> </tr><%looprs.closeconn.close%></table></body></html>

  8. Your mistake is in your SQL statement
    sql="UPDATE greg SET "sql=sql & "Monday='" & Request.Form("Monday") & "',"sql=sql & "Tuesday='" & Request.Form("tuesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Wednesday='" & Request.Form("wednesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Thursday='" & Request.Form("thursday") & "',"sql=sql & "Friday='" & Request.Form("friday") & "',"sql=sql & "Saturday='" & Request.Form("saturday") & "'"sql=sql & " WHERE Sunday='" & time & "'"

    change the above to

    sql="UPDATE greg SET "sql=sql & "Monday='" & Request.Form("Monday") & "',"sql=sql & "Tuesday='" & Request.Form("tuesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Wednesday='" & Request.Form("wednesday") & "',"sql=sql & "Thursday='" & Request.Form("thursday") & "',"sql=sql & "Friday='" & Request.Form("friday") & "',"sql=sql & "Saturday='" & Request.Form("saturday") & "',"sql=sql & "Sunday='" & time & "'"sql=sql & " WHERE time='" & cid & "'"

    or something ot that effect. You weren't setting the Sunday field you were using it as a condition...I don;t thing that is what you meant to do, is it?

    I am not all that familiar with what this is actually doing.I made the changes and now I am getting that pre-defined error in the code "No update permissions".Not sure what is up now?CORRECTION: I GOT IT!! YEAH!!!!I had to add 1 more line to it and now it works.sql=sql & "Saturday='" & Request.Form("saturday") & "'," sql=sql & "Sunday='" & Request.Form("sunday") & "'" sql=sql & " WHERE time='" & cid & "'"Question, in this code how do I make the display show up as AVAILABLE if a field is blank in the database and if there is ANYTHING written in a field the display page will show RESERVED?Here is the code (it should look familiar as we wrre working on it before):<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30"> <html><style>#MainTable th{ width: 50px; color: #000099; font-size: 24; font-family:andy;}</style><style type="text/css"><!--.style1 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 10px;}body { background-color: #000000;}--></style><%dim nameaval="AVAILABLE"%><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT Time, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday FROM greg"rs.Open sql, conn%><table id="MainTable" width="750" height="20" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#0000FF" bgcolor="#00FFFF"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields response.write("<th align='center' bgcolor='#00CCFF' font-family:andy>" & x.name & "</th>")next%></tr><%do until rs.EOF%> <tr> <%for each x in rs.Fieldsif x.name = "Time" then%><td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color:#000099;font-family:Andy;color:#FFFF00;font-size:15pt;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #666666"><%else%><td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color:#66FFFF;font-family:Georgia;color:#663300;font-size:12pt;font-weight:normal;border:1px solid #666666"> <span class="style1"><%end if%><%Response.Write(x.value)%></div> </span> <div align="center"></div></td><%next rs.MoveNext%> </tr><%looprs.closeconn.close%></table></body></html>
  9. I made an update page from the examples on this site(ASP UPDATE) and changed the code to match the field names in my database. I have a ASP page that displays all data in my data base and that works perfectly. This new update page I made from the ASP UPDATE EXAMPLE displays the DB data and in the first field there is a button to press so u can change that line's data. That works and when u press the button the next page appears with all teh fields in that row. I change the data in one of the fields, hit update and then the page changes and says congradulations "field name" was successfully updated, but, in reality the database reflects NO changes. Any idea's why this is happening? I get no errors but nothing changes in te database.PLEASE HELP AS THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!Here is the code on the UPDATE.asp page:<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "northwind.mdb"set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.open "SELECT * FROM greg",conn%><table border="1" width="75%"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields response.write("<th>" & ucase(x.name) & "</th>")next%></tr><% do until rs.EOF %><tr><form method="post" action="demo_update.asp"><%for each x in rs.Fields if lcase(x.name)="time" then%> <td> <div align="left"> <input type="submit" name="time" value="<%=x.value%>"> </div></td> <%else%> <td><%Response.Write(x.value)%> <div align="center"></div></td> <%end ifnext%></form><%rs.MoveNext%></tr><%loopconn.close%></table><FORM> <div align="center"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Back" onClick="history.go(-2);return true;"> </div> </FORM></body></html>HERE IS THE CODE ON THE UPDATE_DEMO.ASP page:<html><body><h2>Update Record</h2><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "northwind.mdb"cid=Request.Form("time")if Request.form("monday")="" then set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.open "SELECT * FROM greg WHERE time='" & cid & "'",conn %> <form method="post" action="demo_update.asp"> <table> <%for each x in rs.Fields%> <tr> <td><%=x.name%></td> <td><input name="<%=x.name%>" value="<%=x.value%>"></td> <%next%> </tr> </table> <br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Update record"> </form><%else sql="UPDATE greg SET " sql=sql & "Monday='" & Request.Form("Monday") & "'," sql=sql & "Tuesday='" & Request.Form("tuesday") & "'," sql=sql & "Wednesday='" & Request.Form("wednesday") & "'," sql=sql & "Thursday='" & Request.Form("thursday") & "'," sql=sql & "Friday='" & Request.Form("friday") & "'," sql=sql & "Saturday='" & Request.Form("saturday") & "'" sql=sql & " WHERE Sunday='" & time & "'" on error resume next conn.Execute sql if err<>0 then response.write("No update permissions!") else response.write("Record " & cid & " was updated!") end if end ifconn.close%></body><FORM> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Back" onClick="history.go(-2);return true;"> </div> </FORM></html>ANY IDEAS?

  10. This a situation I have. You can use tis code with some modification. It should do the trick, at least from what I understand you are trying to do.JavaScript
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	//Check All Check Boxes	//---------------------------------------------------------------------------	function checkAll(checkState, checkId)	{  var i, j, numberOfInputs, numberOfBoxes, isCheckBox;  var inputFields = document.getElementsByTagName('input');  numberOfInputs = inputFields.length;  var checkBoxes = new Array();  j = 0;  for(i=0;i<numberOfInputs;i++)  {  	isCheckBox = (inputFields[i].id.indexOf('Check') != -1);  	if(isCheckBox)  	{    checkBoxes[j] = inputFields[i];    checkBoxes[j].checked = checkState;    j++;  	}  }	}


    <div id="DocumentsTab" class="ContentWindow"><table class="UplTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><colgroup span="1" align="center" /><colgroup span="1" style="padding-left:5px" /><colgroup span="1" align="right" style="padding-right:5px" /><colgroup span="3" align="left" style="padding-left:5px" /><tr><td class="UplHeading" width="25"><input type="checkbox" id="Doc" onclick="checkAll(this.checked, this.id)" /></td><td class="UplHeading"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=name">Name</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="75"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=size">Size</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="100"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=type">Type</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="100"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=uploaded">Uploaded</a></td><td class="UplHeading" width="100"><a href="?site=cbs&sort=modified">Last Modified</a></td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="DocBook1.xlsCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_excel.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\Book1.xls" target="_blank">Book1</a></td><td class="UplItem2">14 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">xls</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">3/10/2005</td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="DocNEC-AspireBrochure.pdfCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_pdf.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\NEC-AspireBrochure.pdf" target="_blank">NEC-AspireBrochure</a></td><td class="UplItem2">325 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">pdf</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">12/9/2004</td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="DocNotebk1.qpwCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_quattropro.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\Notebk1.qpw" target="_blank">Notebk1</a></td><td class="UplItem2">4 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">qpw</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">3/10/2005</td></tr><tr><td class="UplItem2"><input type="checkbox" id="Docpower.pptCheck" /></td><td class="UplItem1"><img style="float:left" src="images/icon_powerpoint.gif" alt="" /><a href="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\imasterengine\sites\cbs\siteadmin\documents\power.ppt" target="_blank">power</a></td><td class="UplItem2">8 KB</td><td class="UplItem2">ppt</td><td class="UplItem2">4/11/2005</td><td class="UplItem2">3/10/2005</td></tr></table></div>

    Notice how all my checkbox id end in "Check"...this is important to the JavaScript function.Let me know if you have anymore questions.

    Totally lost me on this one. I attempted to make a page and put this code in it but I am not really sure where to put the java at and where to put the html at? All on the same page right? From what I could see if the page it is displaying file attributes and things. I jsut need something to pose the checked results to the database. Also only 1 check box per column will be allowed to be checked and will change accordingly if mutiple check boxes are attempted. I am not exactly sure what the code is for that but I am working on it.Any idea's?
  11. Thanks,No need to bow...once you've been doing htis as long as I have you'll be just as good! :)  Good Luck

    Actually, maybe i should just ask you first before attempting this....I want to make a series of check boxes for the update info.....going from top to bottom starting at the left i am gonig to put time and have each time starting from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm in 30 min incraments as check boxes, then in the middle of the page going from top to bottom I am putting a check box for each day of the week, and then on the right I am going to have 3 check boxes- one for a preset word of "AVAILABLE", another for a preset word of "RESERVED: and one more for whatever a user wants to input of say 10 characters. All the check boxes in the colums will not allow multiple check bozes to be checked except that each gategory (Time, day, other) across the top will have 1 Check all check box that will check everything in that colum. There will be a clear all and submit button at the bottom. How would you suppose the easiest way to achieve this would be possible? This might be askin to much of ya but any thoughts are most appreciated!
  12. #MainTable th{ width: 150px; color: your color; font-size: your size; etc...}

    or however many pixels you want. This will cause all the column in the table to be hte same width.

    Once again you have proven 100% perfection. That is exactly what I needed. I think the form is now complete. Next I am going to play with an update page. I am sure you will be hearing from me.Thanks again. I bow down to your infamous wisdom!Actually, maybe i should just ask you first before attempting this....I want to make a series of check boxes for the update info.....going from top to bottom starting at the left i am gonig to put time and have each time starting from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm in 30 min incraments as check boxes, then in the middle of the page going from top to bottom I am putting a check box for each day of the week, and then on the right I am going to have 3 check boxes- one for a preset word of "AVAILABLE", another for a preset word of "RESERVED: and one more for whatever a user wants to input of say 10 characters. All the check boxes in the colums will not allow multiple check bozes to be checked except that each gategory (Time, day, other) across the top will have 1 Check all check box that will check everything in that colum. There will be a clear all and submit button at the bottom. How would you suppose the easiest way to achieve this would be possible? This might be askin to much of ya but any thoughts are most appreciated!
  13. Better yet instead of putting all these attribute in the style="" do this
    <style>#MainTable th{  color: your color;  font-size: your size;  etc...}.TimeClass{   all those attributes here...}</style>

    delete the style="" from the <td> and replace it with class="TimeClass"that is cleaner and easier to maintain.

    ABSOLUTELY SUPERB!! LOOKS GREAT! You really got a sctrong handle on this. This forum should help alot of people.Ok, next question...how do I lock in the cell sizes. Example is the header "Wednesday" is bigger than "Friday" and therefore making the table bigger in spots. I tried locking down the pixel width and also the percentage field of the table but this appears to have no effect. Any idea's on this?I really appreciate you helpnig me out on this. I must be a real pain in the butt. So again, I really do appreciate this.
  14. style="background-color:the color you want;font-family:font you want;color: font color you want;font-size: size you want eg 12pt"

    Man you sure know you stuff.Ok, how about bolding this text?Is there a way to set the internal cell border colors and size? I know I can set the outer ring color and size but not sure about the inner cells as it makes them?Also, the headers at the top I want to change the color,size, bold, etc.....I tried to use the examples you gave for the body of this form but it errors when put in the top where the headers are. Any ideas?
  15. try this
    <%for each x in rs.Fieldsif x.name = "Time" then%><td align="center" valign="middle" style="background-color:the color you want;font-family:font you want"><%else%><td align="center" valign="middle" ><%end if%><span class="style1"><%Response.Write(x.value)%></div></span> <div align="center"></div></td><%next

    Hey thanks a million man!! That works GREAT!now how do I change the font color and size?
  16. yes that s what it means.remove
      if err<>0 then    response.write("No update permissions!")  else     response.write("Record " & cid & " was updated!")  end if

    from the code and tell me what error you get then. Technically you could have a small sql syntax error (or an type of error) and that code will tell you it is a permissions error.

    I have figured out a majority of my problems...I was using dreamweaver and frontpage to copy the example text into and save the asp files that way. That was causin the error. When i copied the text into notepad and saved the files as .asp's that way, the code works. The update part still did not actually update the data fields but it did go through all the motions and it's probably a small tweak to get it to change the data fields.funny I never saw this mentioned in any of the forums, but i guess i was supposed to already know only use text editors when dealing with ASP pages. If I have any problems I can't solve with the update once i try all the tweaks I will repost here. As of now, seeing as the code produces pages that say things were updated I have something to base upon and can go from there.I know this is another topic all together, but...........how do I make table font color and cell changes on the fly...example....<%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT Time, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday FROM greg"rs.Open sql, conn%><table width="80%" border="1" align="center" bgcolor="#ccffff"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields response.write("<th align='center' bgcolor='#OOffff'>" & x.name & "</th>")next%></tr><%do until rs.EOF%> <tr> <%for each x in rs.Fields%> <td align="center" valign="middle" ><span class="style1"> <%Response.Write(x.value)%> </div> </span> <div align="center"></div></td> <%next rs.MoveNext%> </tr><%looprs.closeconn.close%></table>I want to change the Time cell in the table to font called "Andy" with a Yellowish font color and dark blue background but leave the mon tue-etc fields a defaut color and font. I was thinking "if-then" statements but not sure how to go about that even. Any idea's using the code above?
  17. Where is the Access database??? What are the permissions of the .mdb file itself? Try setting Everyone to Full Control.The Update permission error is a common one and can be frustrating to get past...but hang in there it really does work! :)

    The database path is correct as I had to change that or the page just errored saying can't be displayed. I did change the permissions to the folder in IIS and also in windows. I set every account in there to full control, took all "read only" off the folder and files in that folder, including the database file. Now, I have the Guest account for the internet added with full control but I do not have the everybody account added. Do i need the everybody account? Also i noticed in the code for the page that is says if error<>0 then display the "no permissions" error. Does this mean that if ANY error is generated that it will display "no permissions"?
  18. did you create a demo_update.asp?This page should contain your SQL UPDATE statement.Do you understand what I mean??If not read this tutorial.http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp

    yes i read the tutorial. Where do you think i got this code from? I did make the new form so this one can post to it but that is not the problem. The problem is with this code above. The above code is supposed to display buttons on the page so that I can press them to update a record and no buttons are displayed when i run this code. I basically want to make 2 pages...one just shows all the data in the data base in a table and I have no problem making this page. The other page i want to make is to update the data in the data base. All I need is one basic working example of how the database data is updated and I can expand from that.Possibly if you, or someone, could post some code, say of a 2 field data base, one page displays the text, the other page(s) update it, that would solve my problems.Upon further playing with the tutorials I now have gotten a "no update permissions" thing going on and I have set permissions to max everywhere. Ya know, i m starting to think that this stuff just does not work at all.
  19. HEllo.I have been trying to make a form that will enable a user to udate data in my access database file. I have read ALL the tutorials and tried by way of copy and paste all the examples and what not and nothing works. EXAMPLE of the one code page I am using which is directly C/P'd from the examples except the data base path was changed to the correct location.<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "D:/Websites/Inetpub/Gregs/DBA/northwind.mdb"set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.open "SELECT * FROM customers",conn%><table border="1" width="100%"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields response.write("<th>" & ucase(x.name) & "</th>")next%></tr><% do until rs.EOF %><tr><form method="post" action="demo_update.asp"><%for each x in rs.Fields if lcase(x.name)="customerid" then%> <td> <input type="submit" name="customerID" value="<%=x.value%>"> </td> <%else%> <td><%Response.Write(x.value)%></td> <%end ifnext%></form><%rs.MoveNext%></tr><%loopconn.close%></table></body></html>This is apparently supposed to display a submit button or something and all I get is the table with all the fields in it from my database file. I have tried many other web sites and examples of updating data in a data base and i can not get it. I have edited the OBDC stuff on the server(IIS 6) to allow the path for the data base and adjusted the folder and IIS permissions(add-ons) so that all will be accepted. When i make a form that is suppoed to update it and hit a submit button everytime (no matter how i configure the asp page) i get a plain "Page cannot be displayed" 500 internal server error page that appears. This is seriously driving me crazy. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT WITH THIS? Thanks in anvance.

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