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Posts posted by mistergalarza

  1. Here are some things I see potentially wrong.You're aligning text in an image tag. That won't fly.What's your doctype? I would just use relative positioning with a parent wrapper and the same margin:0 auto.
    The reason it worked for the previous poster was because he was aligning the text within a cell.
  2. Excuse me guys if I bump this thread, but I have the same problem. I want to align to the center an image, but if I put this code, it still remain on the left of the page. What's wrong?
    <img src="images/skullheader.gif" style="text-align:center; margin: 0 auto;" border="0" align="middle" width="638" height="104" alt="Skullheader"  />

    Here are some things I see potentially wrong.You're aligning text in an image tag. That won't fly.What's your doctype? I would just use relative positioning with a parent wrapper and the same margin:0 auto.
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