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Everything posted by lilianda

  1. Amazing ! Thanks you so much for this fast and efficient answer !
  2. hello, I'm trying to change my form button when it's clicked. Here is the HTML/PHP code for my button <button id='edit-btn' onclick='view_lead_make_editable_field(<?php echo json_encode($param);?>)'>Modifier</button> And here is my javascript function: function view_lead_make_editable_field(json_param){ /*.....some processing....*/var edit_btn = document.getElementById("edit-btn"); edit_btn.innerHTML="Enregistrer"; edit_btn.event.onclick=view_lead_save_field(json_param);} When I click the button, it's name is well modified to "Enregistrer" but the function associated to the onclick event is not changed. Looking at chrome developper console I can see : Cannot set property 'onclick' of undefined Why undefined since the button label has changed in the previous line ? Also, when clicking the button, the function view_lead_save_field(json_param) seems to be called which is even stranger... Thanks
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