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Everything posted by L8V2L

  1. I know in in complex equation it's different.How does it different it?Does i++ increment j after it is run through the program or just after it is assign to j?++i add i to 1 than assign j to 1 or vice versa (knowing that variable are property and property are variable depending on what side of the = sign it is on at the time).... lol you know saying property are variable and variable are property speak true of the saying you are what you take in to be.(reedited for more understanding of what I'm asking)Such as this:<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script>cars=["BMW","Volvo","Saab","Ford"];for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++){document.write(cars + "<br>");}</script></body></html>Even know change this:<script>cars=["BMW","Volvo","Saab","Ford"];for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++){document.write(cars + "<br>");}</script>To this:<script>cars=["BMW","Volvo","Saab","Ford"];for (var i=0;i<cars.length;++i){document.write(cars + "<br>");}</script>Change nothing(not entirely true mind you) about how the data is input and than out put to display.What is it saying?Neo! What is the matrix saying?! I got to know!
  2. Cold you explain this i = i + 1;i += 1;i++;++i;to me? ++i and i++.I didn't want to start a new topic for this, it made me felt like I would be spanning... I feel you should really have a section for question... Even know this is that section.
  3. it doesn't return -1!!!!!!!!!...... LOL! 4.13==pie; result NOT4.13=="4.13"; result TRUE4.13!="4.13"; result FALSE4.13===4.13; result TRUE4.13!==4.13; result FALSEPIE PIE PIE PIE 4.13!!!!
  4. If they do that, then let it be optional to the user if they would like to turn on or vice verse such a feature. I can see how such a feature would be distracting.
  5. first off... You need a help section(if you have one already, my apologies) I know this is the help section, but I feel as if these is more as a moderator section to give information on things that could be helpful to look at... That don't really make sense, but in away it do. Even know you do have "pinned" to notify...<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p id="p1">Click the button to locate where "locate" first occurs.</p><p id="p2">0</p><button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button><script>function myFunction(){var str=document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML;var n=str.indexOf("hi");document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML=n+1;}</script></body></html><!--Finding a String in a StringThe indexOf() method returns the position (as a number) of the first found occurrence of a specified text inside a string:Examplevar str="Hello world, welcome to the universe.";var n=str.indexOf("welcome");Try it yourself »The method returns -1 if the specified text is not found.it doesn't return -1-->
  6. L8V2L


    THANK YOU! ...Even know your justsomeguy... Thanks anyway!!!
  7. Read I'm not saying anything bad about the site!!! I'm saying expand the library "you dam dirty ape{back up in to a corner while looking at y'all with foam in my mouth, breathing heavy}"I like the interface learning here, and just wanted to suggest some change which some I already had in mind. It want hurt to have contributes area of well known programming instructor.Is there anyway to a least suggest this to the people who own the site?!?!?! I mean "MORE MONEY FOR THEM!!! THIER POCKET So ###### FOR THE MONEY!!!" I like this site, and would rather keep advancing my knowledge here, or have the option to advance it here.If you feel I'm trying to draw traffic away from your site, than here: TO ALL WHO READ THIS! W3SCHOOL IS NOT A BAD SITE! I'M JUST PLACING MY SUGGESTION TO HOW I FEEL IT COULD BE EVEN AWESOME-ER!
  8. http://www.w3fools.com/#what-should-be-doneWHAT SHOULD BE DONE!!!I still like this site a lot... even know it hurt me to come across this... I feel as if the issues is that, than why not have another section of editing by visitor!!!! To expand the library... also expanding your pocket if that must be said to get your interest. By opening up to those who have shun you. There are great people who can attribute to your site in a contribute section for more tutorials, to keep the sheeps from looking to other site to expand their knowledge even farther. Ask them, add in an offer of promoting their book on the page they created to attribute. PLEASE!!! I love the interface, and learning steps you use. Please W3School. Make it where you really are connected to W3C by community if never by them.And the icon on the home page! Their color! Make it to where we can change the green to them, so we can have something new to stare at than the green. I could do this by f12, but don't feel like going in there to look for the area... and honestly, I try... But not try, try. More like just click the area, and played with it.Anyway, please take this into consideration!!! Ummm.... Think about your POCKETS!!! MORE MONEY!!!! YOU'RE POCKETS IS SO ###### FOR THE MONEY!!!!Their this guy, who tutorial I watch that really help me alone with y'all with my learning. Please consider asking him to help in return, You'll let him post up links to his site. Bob Tabor! http://www.learnvisualstudio.net/ is his site, and how you can get in contact with him.
  9. L8V2L


    :(But I like this hand on experience better... Could you tell me other sites that give greater detail but are still for beginner?And books too?If not thanks anyway for replying to my post. Appreciate it!
  10. L8V2L


    yo, I guest I should explain. I wanted to still keep the function appendText also while having the jQuery(document).ready(function too.
  11. L8V2L


    I found the way! justsomeguy! Since you reply to my stupid question, I'mma email you this too, to make sure you get this! After this you can delete this stupid question, that doesn't supply any directional information to what I'm trying to accomplish.<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery("button").click(function afterText(){var txt1="<b>I </b>"; // Create element with HTMLvar txt2=$("<i></i>").text("love "); // Create with jQueryvar txt3=document.createElement("big"); // Create with DOMtxt3.innerHTML="jQuery!";$("img").after(txt1,txt2,txt3); // Insert new elements after img});});</script></head><body><img src="/images/w3jquery.gif" alt="jQuery" width="100" height="140"><br></br><button onclick="afterText()">Insert after</button></body></html>This is what I was trying to do... I guess... it's the only way it seem to satisfy me... And this wasn't even apart of the tutorial for jQuery which what this is from. Also I read from another tutorial, which I can't seem to get the hang of, is that you can use [] as . syntax notation. WHY DIDN'T THIS SITE GO OVER THAT! NO COOKIE FOR YOU!... reference from a you tuber funny silly guy... Any way MAKE THE TOTURIAL!!!!
  12. L8V2L


    I want to make this:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){function afterText(){var txt1="<b>I </b>"; // Create element with HTMLvar txt2=$("<i></i>").text("love "); // Create with jQueryvar txt3=document.createElement("big"); // Create with DOMtxt3.innerHTML="jQuery!";$("img").after(txt1,txt2,txt3); // Insert new elements after img});});</script></head><body><img src="/images/w3jquery.gif" alt="jQuery" width="100" height="140"><br><br><button onclick="afterText()">Insert after</button></body></html>into a combination of these two:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script><script>jQuery(document).ready(function (){jQuery("#appendText").click(function(){var txt1="<p>Text.</p>"; // Create text with HTMLvar txt2=$("<p></p>").text("Text."); // Create text with jQueryvar txt3=document.createElement("p");txt3.innerHTML="Text."; // Create text with DOM$("body").append(txt1,txt2,txt3); // Append new elements});});</script></head><body><p>This is a paragraph.</p><button id="appendText">Append text</button></body></html>and:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script><script>function afterText(){var txt1="<b>I </b>"; // Create element with HTMLvar txt2=$("<i></i>").text("love "); // Create with jQueryvar txt3=document.createElement("big"); // Create with DOMtxt3.innerHTML="jQuery!";$("img").after(txt1,txt2,txt3); // Insert new elements after img}</script></head><body><img src="/images/w3jquery.gif" alt="jQuery" width="100" height="140"><br><br><button onclick="afterText()">Insert after</button></body></html>
  13. under the jQuery html the jQuery get I don't understand the tutorial.
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