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Everything posted by DouglasMcKibbin

  1. The above works in IE but not in Safari or Firefox. Should I code differently for macs, and if so how?
  2. Thanks, I tried to no avail ….. function CheckSS(strng,x) { if (strng == "") { alert("You didn't enter a Social Security Number."); HighlightRed(x); document.getElementById("x").focus(); document.getElementById("x").scrollIntoView();return; } else { if ((strng.length < 9) || (strng.length > 9)) { alert("The Social Security Number is the wrong length. Just use numbers, no dashes... like 123456789 not " + strng); HighlightRed(x); document.getElementById("x").focus(); document.getElementById("x").scrollIntoView();return; } else { var illegalChars = /W#/; if (illegalChars.test(strng)) { alert( "The Social Security Number contains illegal characters. Just use numbers, no dashes."); HighlightRed(x); document.getElementById("x").focus(); document.getElementById("x").scrollIntoView();return; } } HighlightWhite(x) } and the same thing happens. I know this must just be semantics, but I'm a bit lost. Thanks so much, Douglas McKibbin
  3. Having trouble returning focus to a data element on an entry firm that does not pass validation criteria in Safari and Firefox. Instead the focus goes to the very next data element on the form. For example …. function CheckSS(strng,x) { if (strng == "") { alert("You didn't enter a Social Security Number."); HighlightRed(x); return; } else { if ((strng.length < 9) || (strng.length > 9)) { alert("The Social Security Number is the wrong length. Just use numbers, no dashes... like 123456789 not " + strng); HighlightRed(x); return; } else { var illegalChars = /W#/; if (illegalChars.test(strng)) { alert( "The Social Security Number contains illegal characters. Just use numbers, no dashes."); HighlightRed(x); return; } } } HighlightWhite(x) } Called from ….. SS#: <INPUT name="personal_SS" id="personal_SS" type="text" size=12 value="#########" onblur="CheckSS(this.value,this.id)" onfocus="DoClear(this,this.id)" tabindex=5> I'm sure I must have done something wrong … any ideas? Thanks Douglas McKibbin
  4. Because it works in one instance …. when a Button is clicked …. and not in another when submit is clicked. Look at "Return Patient Entry form" at Augustasurgery.org. Enter some info and go to the bottom of the page, read the financial agreement, enter a fictitious name and date, then click Submit. You do not go back to the Return Patient Entry form, But …. If you do the same thing all over again on the Return Patient Entry form but this time instead of going to the Financial agreement form you go to the HIPPA form, you can and do go back to the Return Patient Entry form showing data you had previously entered. The difference being perhaps returning from a page with no data entry and a page with data entry.
  5. How do I code a submit button to enter data and return to the previous form with the previous form's data still showing? I have tried without success ...<INPUT type="submit" value="Submit Form" style="color: black ; font-size : 12pt ; font-weight : bold" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Back to Entry Form" style="color: black ; font-size : 12pt ; font-weight : bold" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"> and <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit Form" style="color: black ; font-size : 12pt ; font-weight : bold" onSubmit="history.go(-1);return true;"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Back to Entry Form" style="color: black ; font-size : 12pt ; font-weight : bold" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"> The "Back to Entry Form" button does return to the previous entry form with intact data.Thank you,Douglas McKibbin
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