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Eyad Syria-lover

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Posts posted by Eyad Syria-lover

  1. This means that you expose only the functionality without any knowledge of how the actual implementation works.

    To demonstrate this, let's have an Animal class which is an abstract class:

    abstract class Animal {
    	public abstract void makeSound();
      	public void sleep() {

    As you see, the Animal class contains one abstract method, the implementation of this method will soon be provided by the subclasses

    Let's have a Bird class:

    class Bird extends Animal {
        public void makeSound() {

    Let's also have a Cat class:

    class Cat extends Animal {
        public void makeSound() {

    Now you can instantiate a subclass of Animal and call the makeSound() method without caring the actual implementation of the method in each subclass:

    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Animal animal;
            animal = new Bird();
            animal.makeSound(); //  Coo
            animal = new Cat();
            animal.makeSound(); //  Meow

    Do you notice how you call makeSound() without actually caring what kind of animal you have ?, that's what's meant by hiding certain details and showing only essential information to the user

    Unfortunately, in w3schools they don't clarify it enough, this is usually explained even better using a Factory Class.

    The idea behind factory class method is to hide the details of object instantiation by creating a mediate class that creates objects for you

    Let's have a AnimalFactory class:

    class AnimalFactory {
        public static Animal getAnimal(String animal) {
            if (animal == null) {
                return null;
            else if (animal.equalsIgnoreCase("cat")) {
                return new Cat();
            else if (animal.equalsIgnoreCase("bird")) {
                return new Bird();
            return null;

    Modify the main program:

    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Animal animal;
            animal = AnimalFactory.getAnimal("bird");
            animal.makeSound(); //  Coo
            animal = AnimalFactory.getAnimal("cat");
            animal.makeSound(); //  Meow

    Do you notice the abstraction ?, you don't instantiate manually, the instantiation process is hidden from you.

    I would like to say one last sentence:

    It's always preferable to program to an interface (or maybe an abstract class) rather than an implementation, this means to always create a variable which has a type of the abstract class and assign it an instance of a subclass, just like in the examples above

  2. Hello.

    Let's Say That I Have Two Sites,The First One Is http://site1.com , And The Second One Is: http://site2.com , The First Site index's File Got A <div> Element With id="one" , And The Second Site index's File Got A <div> Element With id="two" ,The Question Is:

    How Can I Load div#one Contents Inside div#two ?

    I Don't Want To Use Frames.

    I've Read About jQuery load() Method On W3schools , But It Doesn't Seems To Give An Example About My Case.

    Sorry For The Prolongation.

  3. Hello.

    I Was Reading A Stylesheet When I Found A Strange @import Rule,I've Never Faced This Rule.

    What Is The Difference Between Including A Stylesheet Using @import Rule,And Doing The Same Using <link rel="stylesheet"/>?,And Do You Suggest Me To Use This Rule?.

  4. Hello Mr.Shohan .

    The Problem Is That JavaScript Is A Client-Side Scripting Language,And Can't Does Actions On The Server (ex. Create A File).

    You Seems A Little Confused About Server-Side Scripting Languages,But The Bad News Is You Still Need To Learn A Server-Side Language In Order To Control Databases And Create Files On The Server (Or Whatever You Want).

    My Suggestion To You Is To Learn PHP,Because PHP Is Easy To Learn And Powerful Server-Side Language.

  5. Hello People.

    I'am Using Web Animations API To Create Animations On My Web Page,This API Has A Similar Syntax To This:





    {css_property_3:value_3} //And So On..


    duration:value, //In Milliseconds

    iterations:value, //An Integer

    easing:value //linear,ease-in,ease-out,cubic-bezier,etc...



    So I Was Wondering About How To Use These Keyframes In Such A Way That;


    /* In CSS */

    @keyframes test


    0% {property_1:value_1}

    20% {property_2:value_2}

    100% {property_3:value_3}


    /* If You Know What I Mean About Percentage */


    How Can I Make Web Animations API Run The First Keyframe At 0% And The Second At 20% And The Third At 100%?


    Thanks For Your Patience...

  6. I don't think the W3Schools staff visits the forum. But this is the problem with calling something "deep-purple" as a class name. It means that when you want to change the color you have to change the HTML.


    To work around this, you can change the class name of the element instead:

    document.getElementsByClassName("w3-deep-purple")[0].className = "w3-orange";

    That Seems Fair To Me,But The Problem Still About How To Manipulate The Color Using JavaScript If There Is No Class Name For That Color In W3.CSS,For Example There's No Class Name ".w3-deep-pink" (hex=#FF1493) For That Color...


    In Your Opinion,Should I Contact Them To Fix This?

  7. I've Been Analyzing W3.CSS When I Found A Strange Thing.

    I Found That !important Rule Is Used More 90 Times In This Framework,The Problem Here Is That !important Is Paralyzing The Ability To Manipulate Some Of Those Elements Who Carries Some Of The w3-* Classes Using Javascript,For Example:

    color:#fff !important;
    background-color:#673ab7 !important;

    As You Can See,I Can't Manipulate Any Element Which Carries The .w3-deep-purple Class Because The !important Rule Has Disabled Style Manipulation Using JavaScript,This Means That The Following Code Is Useless:

    function changeFontColor()

    Although This Code Is 100% Valid,But This Just Won't Work Because Of !important.


    I Suggest Removing This Rule From The Future Versions Of W3.CSS In Order To Give The Ability To The Developer To Add More Interactivity To His Projects.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
            <meta name="viewport" id="viewport" content="target-densitydpi=high-dpi,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" />
            <title>Document Title</title>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                function color(id, duration, r_start, g_start, b_start, r_end, g_end, b_end)
                    var element = document.getElementById(id);
                    var i = r_start, j = g_start, k = b_start;
                    element.innerHTML = '<h1 style="font-size:4.1vw">wait....wait...</h1>';
                    var parameter = setInterval(colorGradually, 50 * duration);
                    function colorGradually()
                        /// With original code! This if condition will never be true and never run clearInterval() , because the original variable values (*_start) never change anywhere  in your remaing code? but!  i, j, k do change
                        if (i === r_end && j === g_end && k === b_end)
                            element.innerHTML = '<h1 style="font-size:4.1vw">The End</h1>';
                            // for (var i = r_start, j = g_start, k = b_start; i < r_end && j < g_end && k < b_end; i = i + 1, j = j + 1, k = k + 1)
                            // {
                            i = inc_dec_depending_start_and_end(r_start, r_end, i);
                            if (i === r_end) // comment OUT to change rgb value together
                                j = inc_dec_depending_start_and_end(g_start, g_end, j);
                            }// comment OUT to change rgb value together
                            if (j === g_end)// comment OUT to change rgb value together
                                k = inc_dec_depending_start_and_end(b_start, b_end, k);
                            }// comment OUT to change rgb value together
                            element.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + i + "," + j + "," + k + ")";
                            // }
                    function inc_dec_depending_start_and_end(start, end, value) {
                        if (start < end && value < end)
                            value += 1;
                        else if (start > end && value > end)
                            value -= 1;
                            value = end;
                        return value;
            <style type="text/css">
            <div id="test" style="border: 1px solid red;width:100%;height:200px;background-color:rgb(125,255,0)"></div>
            <input type="button" onclick="color('test', 1, 125, 255, 0, 65, 0, 255)" value="Change">


    Thank You Very Much Sir...That Worked Just As Expected...

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