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Posts posted by timcph2008

  1. Hi guys,

    I wanna create a list of the installed application for practice.

    the following code is from another post: https://buckysroom.org/forum/topic.php?id=503
    I used the code that they suggest, but there has some errors.
    app cannot be resolved to a variable
    pm cannot be resolved
    apps cannot be resolved to a variable
    How should I change it?
    Also, what the pm and apps are in the apps?
    Thank you so much for your help!!
    List<ApplicationInfo> installedApps = new ArrayList<ApplicationInfo>(); for(ApplicationInfo app : apps) {    //checks for flags; if flagged, check if updated system app    if((app.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP) == 1) {        installedApps.add(app);    //it's a system app, not interested    } else if ((app.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 1) {        //Discard this one    //in this case, it should be a user-installed app    } else {        installedApps.add(app);    }} String label = (String)pm.getApplicationLabel(app);Drawable icon = pm.getApplicationIcon(app);


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