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Everything posted by Raj_100

  1. Hi, in my project we are using struts 1.2 Html tag version but the issue is when we tested in chrome many UI error came like calender is not populating and in text box sending null value ETC... Can any one suggest on this issue, Thanks in a Advance Regards Raj Kumar R
  2. Hi, in my project we are using struts 1.2 Html tag version but the issue is when we tested in chrome many UI error came like calender is not populating and in text box sending null value ETC... Can any one suggest on this issue, Thanks in a Advance Regards Raj Kumar R
  3. this is secure code i am not able to share .
  4. Hi dsonesuk i am not able to get your answer . can you please elaborate.
  5. Hi , in my application the scrollbar is not working properly in CHROME when i disable my taskbar i can able to see full page . and when taskbar is enable not able to see full page. please suggest on this issue. Thanks in a Advance Regards Raj kumar R
  6. Thanks for your reply frds. now issue got resolved. fix is my application does not support struts html tag and i tried with noraml html tag and now vaalue is gettting and issue got resolved. once agin thanks .
  7. Hi in my js var tl = document.getElementById(id); getting null value can anyone give suggestion on this....... Thanks in a Advance Regards Raj Kumar R
  8. Hi When i check in console var t1 = document.getElementById(id); this vale going null value can any one tell me what are the ways we are setting document.getElement in Js and give suggetion on this issue. Regards Raj Kumar R
  9. Thanks srini now issue is got fixed and let me tell you another issue var t1 = document.getElementById(id); this t1 value giving null can you please explain to me what are the way we can getelement in js Thanks in a Advance Regards Raj Kumar R
  10. hi , the calender funtion is not working in Jsp page.if i click calender image in jsp page the calender popup need to come.but it's not working.in jsp page the onclick return fucntion is not working and i tryied to import and include js file into jsp file but it;s not working kindly provide some suggestion on this issue
  11. No It's Not working in Chrome But it works in IE. Note: when i submit the stdid value it goes as null value. Please give suggestion on this issue
  12. function validateLoginForm(){ var username = document.getElementById("firstname").value; var password = document.getElementById("password").value; var rolesList = document.getElementById("stdid"); var roleValue = rolesList.options[rolesList.selectedIndex].value; if((username == null ||username =='') || (password == null||password=='') || stdid =='EMPTY_ROLE'){ document.getElementById("password").value = ""; document.getElementById('nullValidation').innerHTML = '<font color="#FF0000" size="1">Please enter a valid User ID, Stdid& Password before login.</font>'; return false; }else{ document.getElementById("stdid").value = roleValue; alert(document.getElementById("stdid").value); return true; } } If i set alert(document.getElementById("stdid").value); msg . Alertbox populated but when i check in chrome alertbox ix not coming and Stdid value is setting null. Please suggestion on this issue
  13. Hi can any one help on this below issue: in javascript dropw down list sending a null value.i have 2 textfiled and one drop down list. when i enter username and passaword and drop down is good.but issue is when i submit the dropdown value is null for chrome and issue is working fine in IE.for this i can able to see in log file. i hope issue with "document.getElementById("stdid ").value=stdrole" Can anyone tell me solution for this. Thanks in a Advance Regards Raj Kumar R
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