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Everything posted by zanfranceschi

  1. I checked my windows httpd.conf file, noticed and tested a few things:- There are some alias modules being loaded (don't know if it's default);- If I add the following, I get an Alias dir to be included in the server: Alias /test "d:/" <Directory "d:/"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order allow,deny Allow from all</Directory> Where "/test" is the alias and d:/ is the target. Mind the lack of slash at the end of "/test". If you add it, then you'll have to type it in the URL.Hope it helps.
  2. I'm not sure about windows, but in my linux I simply created a link by dragging the target folder to the dir with the two windows open. I have also an apache server on my windows, but I use WAMP, which is fantastic and really easy to install and configure. I also use this hda7 dir (which has another name under windows) in the localhost @ windows.http://www.wampserver.com/en/index.phpshort for Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP.It's worth a try!
  3. zanfranceschi


    if you use Linux, type perl followed by the name of the script file. You should have perl installed on your linux, i guess.
  4. directories can be linked as well.My projects are in the "/mnt/hda7" dir (which is another partition). And my apache reads "/var/www". I've created a link to hda7 in the www dir. Therefore http://localhost/hda7/ access my projects dir.
  5. I use links in my personal server. the only incovenient is the longer url.
  6. Sorry for posting in Portuguese, but this topic is pertinent only to Brazilians!Tem um projeto que fiz que se chama Cool Web - Brasil. Pra quem conhece sites do tipo cssbeauty, cssvault, etc. vai logo entender do que se trata esse projeto.É um site para demonstração de belos sites brasileiros (só brasileiros) que sigam os padrões web e de acessibilidade. Não vou ficar validando site por site, mas precisa ter o mínimo de acessibilidade e não renderizar apenas no IE (eu, por exemplo, nao uso IE).Pra submeter o site, é só entrar no site (http://www.zanfranceschi.com.br/coolweb/) e mandar o formulário preenchido. Eu vou providenciar a screenshot por enquanto.Eu acho que os brasileiros são muito bons em design e gostaria de ver isso reunido.Gostaria da colaboração de quem achou essa idéia interessante!Abraço;ZanfranceschiOk, if you're dying to know what it all is about, I tell you. It's a kind of cssbeauty site, but for Brazilians only. You could think of this for your country...
  7. mmm... thanks alot. I'll read the article.
  8. zanfranceschi

    Symbol "->"

    I know it's a very simple question, but I couldn't find its answer in the PHP documentation. Search engines seem not to understand this string search...Could some one please explain what this symbol does? Or link me to a tutorial or something like this?The only thing I use this for is to retreive data from a dabatabe, for example: $query = "SELECT * FROM table";$exe = mysql_query($query);while($rows = mysql_fetch_object($exe)) {$id = $rows -> id;$name = $rows -> name;} Thanks.
  9. ---edited---Sorry, i didn't know you were talking about a service. I thought Myspace was just the name of your site...---/edited---Syntax errors. You should go through the w3schools's CSS tutorial.
  10. I'm not sure if I understand your question. Do you want the photocontent to "push" the bottom part of the background image (which is Jesus Christ) as it extends downwards? Is it?
  11. ----EDITED-----Got it to work with an workaround...Simply place another div inside the div you want with padding (now, set no padding) and set the border for the nested div, it works great!!!Here are the codes: .post { border: 1px solid #CCC; background: #444; width: 380px; margin: 0 0 10px 0;}.postPadding { border: 5px solid #444;}.postTitle { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #F90; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;}.postDate { font-size: 9px; color: #F90; margin: 0 0 0 10px;} <div class="post"><div class="postPadding"> <div class="postTitle"> Novo Layout<br /> <span class="postDate">[ 25/01/2006 - 04:02 ]</span> </div> <div class="postPost">Novo layout de novo; mais simples e sóbrio. Aderi também aos padrões XHTML da W3C.</div></div> </div> -----/EDITED-----old post bellow:.post, .projetos are divs where .postTitle, .projetosProject and .postDate, .projetosDate are nested in (.postDate is actually a span).See them here: http://www.zanfranceschi.com.br/ <div class="post"> <div class="postTitle"> Novo Layout<br /> <span class="postDate">[ 25/01/2006 - 04:02 ]</span> </div> <div class="postPost">Novo layout de novo; mais simples e sóbrio. Aderi também aos padrões XHTML da W3C.</div> </div> .post, .projetos { border: 1px solid #CCC; background: #444; width: 380px; margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 5px; }.postTitle, .projetosProject { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #F90; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;}.postDate, .projetosDate { font-size: 9px; color: #F90; margin: 0 0 0 10px;}
  12. zanfranceschi

    Padding help

    Hi there,When I determine the width and padding for a div, firefox and internet explorer render it differently. Firefox seems to add the padding value to the width, while IE doesn't.Is there a way to IE and Firefox render the div with the same width with padding using CSS?Thanks---edited---I'm not getting to edit the post title... wanted to add "solved"---/edited---
  13. zanfranceschi


    Ponctuation rules way more than "crapify"! English is not my mother tongue and your text is just too hard to read.
  14. i guess you can, but don't know the results... why would you like it?
  15. The proper way is to use a:hover and not a.hover!
  16. Would it be too bad if you use a table? The tds would be always the same height...Or maybe use "%" instead of "px"... don't know.Or even play with "float:" and "height: XX%", and get rid of "position:"...
  17. http://www.cjb.cc/ I used this for quite a long time before hiring a paid host. It's very good and has no ads at all. By that time, the domain would be http://youdomain.cjb.cc/ which i believe is cool.
  18. About this:"Is there a php command I could put at the beginning of most of my pages that would retrieve all GET or POST variables that have been sent to it? Hence avoiding the need to writing out $varname = $_GET['varname']; for every variable."I use this:$variables = array('variable01', 'variable02', 'variable03', 'variable03'); // just put all variables (without the "$" sign in front) you want inside this array...foreach($variables as $variable) ${$variable} = $_GET['$variable'];To make things even easier, write this into a separeted file and 'include()' it in the beginning of your pages...Hope it helps.
  19. Looks like permition issues... you don't have permition to write to the dir you want...
  20. remember you can use $_REQUEST[] instead of $_GET. I'm not sure, but i guess $_GET only works with forms...
  21. If you want to create a database with plain text files, my suggestion is to work with multiple files as they were rows in a table instead of working with multiple lines in a few files. I had this experience and found easier and more flexible.You could write to the files using variables like this:$write_this = "\$string = \"this is my string\"";And then you could use include() to display the stored variables...Use also arrays (array, array_push, etc) to gather selected files (which play rows)...And to complete this approach, the "id" of the files could be based on time stamps (year.month.day.hour.minutes.seconds), so that you can easily sort them.
  22. This is very possible.I recommend you to go throught a step-by-step tutorial on how to do a, let's say, simple contact list for the text.And go to http://br.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php for you to know how to upload files.If you master both i mentioned and want to relate the text to the image, create a table with a binary column or register the image name on the table with the text.
  23. I guess a MySQL database and PHP programming will do it for you. Examplify what you need more detailed, please.- Is this app suppose to gather information or just recycle it?- Do you need different user names to log in, or just a single one is ok?- What would be the columns of this spreadsheet (like "date of visit", "has been called yet?", etc...)?- What do you already know about PHP and databases?
  24. As Kcarson said, the database structure of your site should be very well thought -- this is really important.And if you learn/understand/have an inclination to programming logic you can build virtually any system you want. I guess ASP, ASP.NET or PHP will suffice your needs in relation to the systems you want.
  25. When I was trying to see this topic yesterday on my firefox 1.0.7 on my linux os, the browser crashed... but now, on my windows and firefox 1.5, it's ok...
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