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Everything posted by valt76

  1. Hi thank you for your reply. Actually it was my mistake I did not change the wording from English to Italian, yet the problem is that the code do not run. Lately I have tried the following lines but once again they returned error. <DIV class="LOGIN"> <% Session("Language")=Request.form("language") if Session("Language")="ITA" then <FORM ACTION="login_action.asp" METHOD="post"> <DIV class="textboxid"> <input type="email" id="email" class="large" required="required" placeholder="Inserisci la tua email" style="width:300px;"> </DIV> <DIV class="textboxid"> <input type="password" id="textboxid" class="large" required="required" placeholder="Inserisci la tua password" style="width:300px;"> </DIV> <DIV class="cb"> <input type="checkbox" id="remember" name="remember"> <label for="remember">Memorizza la mia email</label> </div> <a href="send_password.asp" class="testo">Ho dimenticato la password</a> <DIV> <input type="submit" value="REGISTRATI" class="button"> </DIV> </FORM> end if %> </DIV> Obviously I have also created an if for ENG and one for ESP (those are my selected languages). Any ideas? Thank you in advance for your help, Cheers Valter
  2. I know it may sound weird and quite out dated but I am trying to work out with ASP 3.0 ( I am a very beginner). What I am trying to achieve is as follow: I have an entry page on my web site that select the language; That leads to a welcome page where I have some text and images that change based on the language selection. (No problem here) I also have a log in form (email, password) with plenty of CSS in it that should change as well. (BIG problem here!!) I tried this lines of code but as expected did not work and returned error. <DIV class="LOGIN"> <% language=Request.form("language") languageWhere="" if language="ITA" then Response.Write "<FORM ACTION='login_action.asp' METHOD='post'> <DIV class='textboxid'> <input type='email' id='email' class='large' required='required' placeholder='Enter your email' style='width:300px;'> </DIV> <DIV class='textboxid'> <input type='password' id='textboxid' class='large' required='required' placeholder='Enter your password' style='width:300px;'> </DIV> <DIV class='cb'> <input type='checkbox' id='remember' name='remember'> <label for='remember'>remember my email in this computer</label> </div> <a href='send_password.asp' class='testo'>Ho dimenticato la password</a> <DIV> <input type='submit' value='ENTER' class='button'> </DIV> </FORM>" end if %> </DIV> Any suggestion or advice (beside giving up programming...)? Thank you in advance for the patience, understanding and kindness! Cheers Valter
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