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Everything posted by voodoo

  1. I am trying to embed a shockwave game onto a webpage, but as soon as the shockwave file loads, it redirected the page to the games original site. Do you guys know anyway to prevent this? I've tried <base href=""> so the shockwave game will play (since it will only play on its original page)But that doesnt work. Any other ideas or it nots possible.
  2. IE doesnt have full support for css, so somethings it doesnt understand, like text-align.Just put <center> after body if you want it to be centered.
  3. Like, say this:target:windowtarget:parenttarget:selftarget: frame nametarget:tabI think that would be perfect, so you could do something linka.external {target:window}or body {target:tab}or if you wanted every link in a frame to not open a new window...frame,iframe {target:self}Plus when IE 7 releases, all browsers with full support of css will also include tabs.Who agrees?
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