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  1. Text to image conversion in php A string from db have to be converted into image but it is not working. If the string is not taken from the db and defined in the file itself text is getting converted into image properly Can anyone help to sort it out Attaching the code used for the same Thanks in advance <?php //error_reporting(E_ALL); include('connect.php'); $res = mysql_query("select * from imgtext")or die(mysql_error()); $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res); $data = $arr['data']; $textval = str_replace('\r\n',"<br>",$data); $textcolor = '666666'; //$string = preg_replace( "/\r|\n/", "", $textval); //echo $string;die; // $font="fonts"; $font="DidactGothic-Regular"; $size = 9; $padding= 1; $bgcolor= "ffffff"; $transparent = 0; $antialias = 0; $fontfile = $font; $box= imageftbbox( $size, 0, $fontfile, $textval, array()); $boxwidth= $box[4]; $boxheight= abs($box[3]) + abs($box[5]); $width= $boxwidth + ($padding*2) + 1; $height= $boxheight + ($padding) + 0; $textx= $padding; $texty= ($boxheight - abs($box[3])) + $padding; // create the image $png= imagecreate($width, $height); $color = str_replace("#","",$bgcolor); $red = hexdec(substr($bgcolor,0,2)); $green = hexdec(substr($bgcolor,2,2)); $blue = hexdec(substr($bgcolor,4,2)); $bg = imagecolorallocate($png, $red, $green, $blue); $color = str_replace("#","",$textcolor); $red = hexdec(substr($textcolor,0,2)); $green = hexdec(substr($textcolor,2,2)); $blue = hexdec(substr($textcolor,4,2)); $tx = imagecolorallocate($png, $red, $green, $blue); //print_r(imagettftext( $png, $size, 0, $textx, $texty, $tx, $fontfile, $textval )); //die; imagettftext( $png, $size, 0, $textx, $texty, $tx, $fontfile, $textval ); header("content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($png); imagedestroy($png); exit; ?> check.php
  2. I was looking for a standard one for the same That is why I asked it in the forum If anyone can point out
  3. Hi, Can anyone help me to find a tutorial which illustrate the implementation of CRUD using OOPS in core-php Thanks in advance
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