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  1. smiley

    Form Validation

    and have you other good Information for a secure contact form
  2. smiley

    Form Validation

    Can you show me an example how to use the command right please ..
  3. smiley

    Form Validation

    would it work with str_replace instead of trim?
  4. smiley

    Form Validation

    Ok, thanks for your help!
  5. smiley

    Form Validation

    I mean with "does not work":Normally i thought that trim strips "n". But if i enter in the input field name: "Maxn" the result is "Maxn". You can also test it. It strips not completely "n" only slash and that was irritating!
  6. smiley

    Form Validation

    Thanks! I will test it. ??
  7. smiley

    Form Validation

    I am thankful for any help, link, tutorial etc. to secure my contact form!
  8. smiley

    Form Validation

    If i use trim on a string it strip all characters you post … for example: $name = nMax Mustermann; echo trim($name); output: Max Mustermann but with $_POST it strips only whitespaces … for example: <input type="text" name="name" /> // nMax Mustermann $name = $_POST["name"]; echo trim($name); output: nMax Mustermann I am trying to avoid line breaks etc.
  9. smiley

    Form Validation

    If i use trim on $_POST it trim only whitespaces. It ignores the rest that is my Problem.Should i use something else instead of trim for a secure validation?
  10. smiley

    Form Validation

    Sorry that was a copy and Paste mistake.I also tried the example on w3 school but it doesn't work.The trim Command don't delete n,t,r, etc.
  11. smiley

    Form Validation

    Hey,I am trying to code a form validation but i get a problem with the function "input_check()" on w3 website especially with the trim command. It don't trim anything.$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $;}echo $name;I am thankful about any help.
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