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Everything posted by bolado

  1. bolado

    Increasing by 1..

    ouch, I didn't see that one...
  2. bolado

    Increasing by 1..

    ...what's the error description?(try removing the line 'On Error Resume next')...are you getting a value in ID var?...the field hits has at least a number (or row)?sry, for my bad engrish...
  3. try: dataSQL = " SELECT * FROM Adaptor WHERE ID = " & ID hope this helps..
  4. bolado

    Increasing by 1..

    try: SQL = "UPDATE mytbl SET "sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "hits = hits + 1"sql=sql & " WHERE ID = " & ID & "" hope this helps...
  5. http://www.php.net/downloads.phpalso, you will need a server, like apache...
  6. try this:http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.split.phpandhttp://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php
  7. rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Books WHERE Price BETWEEN " & highstring & " AND " & lowstring & " ORDER BY BookTitle",conn%> Hope this helps...
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