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Everything posted by paulmo

  1. Thanks for clarifying...the DOM it is then. I'll work on that and come back when I get stuck.
  2. Hi JSG, thanks...purely client side with localStorage. I'm leaning toward finishing this in canvas, but for comparison, appendChild element script is nicely stacking images next to each other, whereas canvas is just drawing them on top of each other on each form submission...there must be a way to achieve "tiling" images with canvas. Here's an example that I modeled existing code from, I'm just integrating a form with it, but obviously not getting the tiled images as they're overlapping. And I'll need to have captions that don't take up their own tileWidth, but rather just go under the image. Thanks for help and direction.
  3. Moving along on this project to make a tiled image gallery like this (w3 example) using url/text form inputs to populate the page with images and captions, I've got 2 scripts going, one using canvas, and the other with appendChild. The appendChild script adds all previous form-submitted images (good), but I need images same dimension captions under the images localStorage integration to access image/caption values to remove, move, etc. The canvas script is not adding previous form-submitted images (bad), but it is working with current image. I've commented each script with other things going on (drawImage problem, etc.) Thanks in advance for help. I've got appendChild example live here, and canvas example live here (GitHub Pages). I'm posting the entire appendChild below, followed by canvas example. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>appendChild Gallery</title> <style> body { font-family: Sans-Serif; font-size: medium; } </style> </head> <body> <form action="#"> URL: <input type="text" name="image" id="idImage" value="" onClick="this.select();"/> <br><br> Description: <input type="text" name="des" id="idDes" value="" onClick="this.select();"/> <br><br> <input type="button" id="btn" name="submit" value="Load" /> </form> <script> document.getElementById('btn').onclick = function() { var val = document.getElementById('idImage').value; var valDes = document.getElementById('idDes').value; src = val, img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = src; // new image document.body.appendChild(img); //previous captions are not being loaded with previous image...why? document.getElementById('caption').innerHTML = document.getElementById('idDes').value; /* need localStorage to access values for later. localStorage.setImage('idDes', valDes); localStorage.setImage("idImage", val); imgStore = localStorage.getImage("idImage"); desStore = localStorage.getImage("idDes"); img1 = document.createElement('img1'); img1.src = imgStore; //stored image //desStore.src = desStore; document.body.appendChild(img1); document.getElementById('caption2').innerHTML = document.getElementById('desStore'); */ } </script> <!-- Need captions BELOW image --> <h4 id = 'caption'></h4> </body> </html> Canvas example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>canvasGallery</title> <style> body { font-family: Sans-Serif; font-size: medium; } </style> </head> <body> </br> </br> <form action="#"> Link: <input type="text" name="item" id="idImg" value="" onClick="this.select();"/> <br><br> Descrip.: <input type="text" name="des" id="idDes" value="" onClick="this.select();"/> <br><br> <input type="button" id="btn" name="submit" value="Load" onClick="sendVal(this.form)"/> <br><br> </form> <canvas id="canvas" width="850" height="650"></canvas> <script> function sendVal(form) { imgLink = document.getElementById("idImg").value; desLink = document.getElementById("idDes").value; //how to integrate localStorage so each previous form-submit URL image/caption gets tiled on page? localStorage.setItem("idImg", imgLink); localStorage.setItem("idDes", desLink); imgStore = localStorage.getItem("idImg"); desStore = localStorage.getItem("idDes"); draw(); } function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var tileWidth = 100; // var tileWCount = 5; var multi = 2; var imgA = []; var src = []; ctx.font = "20px sans-serif" ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; /* src.push(ctx.drawImage(imgStore, 200, 10, 70,70)); ^ ^ Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': and window.onload = draw (below) doesn't help.*/ src.push(imgLink); //works src.push(ctx.fillText(desLink, 5, 250)); // need each caption under its image, without taking up tileWidth space. for(var i=0; i < tileWCount; i++){ var img = new Image(); img.onload = (function(value){ return function() { ctx.drawImage(this, (value * tileWidth * multi), 0, tileWidth * multi, tileWidth * multi); } })(i); img.src = src[i]; } } window.onload = draw; // not helping with drawImage problem. </script> </body> </html>
  4. Thanks so much! Indeed, calling draw() from within sendVal() and src.push(imgLink) does it. function sendVal(form) { imgLink = document.getElementById('idItem').value; draw(); }
  5. Retrieving value in draw() seems to be the problem now: imgLink net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND <input type="button" id="btn" name="submit" value="Load" onClick="sendVal(this.form);"/> </form> <canvas id="canvas" width="650" height="650"></canvas> <script> var imgLink = document.getElementById('idItem').value; function sendVal(form) { function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var tileWidth = 100; var tileWCount = 3; var multi = 2; var imgA = []; var src = []; src.push('imgLink'); ....</script>
  6. Hi, as mentioned in my first post, the code works with static URL in the draw() function. I need the form-submitted idItem URL value to be "sent" to src.push and work the same as the static URL does. Can you help with that?
  7. An extension from 1st post (not seeing an edit button )....the following works with static URL in the draw() function, but it's not working with idItem form value into the draw() function, which is what I want. Help appreciated, thanks. <form action="#"> URL: <input type="text" name="item" id="idItem" value="" onClick="this.select();"/> <br><br> <input type="button" id="btn" name="submit" value="Load" onClick="sendVal(this.form)";/> </form> <canvas id="canvas" width="650" height="650"></canvas> <script> function sendVal(form) { document.getElementById('idItem').value; } function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var tileWidth = 100; var tileWCount = 3; var multi = 2; var imgA = []; var src = []; src.push(sendVal()); //not working src.push("http://hanes.scene7.com/is/image/Hanesbrands/HNS_HO5944_CamouflageGreenHeather?defaultImage=Hanesbrands/HNS_HO5944_AwesomeBlueHeather&id=fudST1&wid=433&hei=549&fmt=jpg"); //working //this works etc.... </script>
  8. I'd like to make an image gallery like this (w3 example) using url/text form inputs like this (my demo) to populate the page with images and captions, using localStorage or something so that with each form submission the images remain. Can this be done just with static divs and <a> link tags like the w3 example, or would I be creating elements dynamically, or using canvas? Thanks in advance for roadmap on how to get there.
  9. I'm inspecting the canvas element of this Hanes shirt, and the div onclick of each color's selection buttons in an effort to get the image urls of various colors. I'm not finding the img urls anywhere. Would someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  10. Posted example as requested so you could see it...code is pretty much there except for additional for loop (view source). You're right I haven't checked to see if objects have been hit already. If you try it online you'll see that for loops tell where box object is, and if it goes to a coordinate, another object is rendered, etc. Just Googling around, state tracking seems a big topic...how/where does would that apply here? Thanks.
  11. Here's an example. Please emulate touch in Chrome console and move box upward to see what's going on. (Device setting: Samsung Galaxy S, SII.) I want "two" to disappear for good when "box" hits "two." After box crosses new x coordinate defined in 2nd for loop (move left), "three" is generated. When box hits "three", I want "three" to disappear for good, etc. Thanks.
  12. I don't use i inside the loop because I'm just checking to see where box object is (that's what i is doing, box object is the one moved by virtual controller), then if box is in that range, create object "two" and so on. The problem is that when box goes out of the range defined in for loop, newly created object "two" disappears and color reverts to old color. So I need the changes to stick and not revert back. How to do that?
  13. Could I get some help here please? ^ ^ Thanks.
  14. Everything works below, except the 2nd spite (TWO) re-appears when BOX moves outside of the position defined in for loop below. Also, BOX reverts to its old color when outside of position in for loop. I need TWO to disappear for the entire game, and BOX to retain new color, after BOX arrives at TWO's position. Thanks for help. for(i = box.y; i < 69; i++) { // Check BOX position and render "TWO" context.save(); context.fillStyle = "#f0ffff"; context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(deg * Math.PI/180); context.fillRect(two.x, two.y, TWO_SIZE, TWO_SIZE); context.restore(); } for(i = box.y, j = box.x; i < -115 && j > 155; i++, j++) { console.log("Yes"); // check that BOX is in TWO's position context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Make TWO disappear context.save(); context.fillStyle = "#f0bbbb"; // change BOX color context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(deg * Math.PI/180); context.fillRect(box.x, box.y, BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE); context.restore(); } console.log("X = " + box.x); console.log("Y = " + box.y);
  15. Yes, if Box sprite's y position > 0 then a 2nd sprite will appear at a different position. I'll work on testing sprite position on each game loop, and putting new sprites in an array. I'm sure I'll be back here later. Thanks Ingolme.
  16. Any direction on this one people? Thanks in advance.
  17. Re-visiting this topic. I've rotated the square. Initial position of rotated square is to the left of joystick. I want another square (square 2) to appear in upper right quadrant of screen, if square 1 crosses y/2 (y > 0). How to do this? I'm attaching code for reference. Thanks. // BOX OBJECT, x y sets initial star position var box = { x : 330, y : 170, vx : 0, vy : 0 }; // rotating var cx = BOX_SIZE/2; var cy = BOX_SIZE/2; var x = -10; var y = -10; var w = 30; var h = 30; var deg = 45; // The game loop function gameLoop() { setTimeout(gameLoop, 33); /* Check inputs */ // Vartical inputs if(inputBuffer.up) { // Move up box.vy -= ACCELERATION; } else if(inputBuffer.down) { // Move down box.vy += ACCELERATION; } else { // Vertical friction box.vy *= INV_FRICTION; if(box.vy < MIN_SPEED && box.vy > -MIN_SPEED) { box.vy = 0; } } // Horizontal inputs if(inputBuffer.left) { // Move left box.vx -= ACCELERATION; } else if(inputBuffer.right) { // Move right box.vx += ACCELERATION; } else { // Horizontal friction box.vx *= INV_FRICTION; if(box.vx < MIN_SPEED && box.vx > -MIN_SPEED) { box.vx = 0; } } /* Prevent the box from going too fast */ if(box.vx > MAX_SPEED) { box.vx = MAX_SPEED; } if(box.vx < -MAX_SPEED) { box.vx = -MAX_SPEED; } if(box.vy > MAX_SPEED) { box.vy = MAX_SPEED; } if(box.vy < -MAX_SPEED) { box.vy = -MAX_SPEED; } /* Update the box's position */ box.x += box.vx; box.y += box.vy; /* Draw everthing */ // Clear the screen context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // BOX OBJECT DRAW context.save(); context.fillStyle = "#f0ffff"; context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(deg * Math.PI/180); context.fillRect(box.x, box.y, BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE); context.restore(); } // Initialize the controller GameController.init({ right: { // WAS LEFT type: 'joystick', joystick : { touchMove : function(data) { // Horizontal controls if(data.normalizedX < -JOYSTICK_THRESHOLD) { // Left inputBuffer.left = true; inputBuffer.right = false; } else if(data.normalizedX > JOYSTICK_THRESHOLD) { // Right inputBuffer.right = true; inputBuffer.left = false; } else { // Neutral inputBuffer.left = false; inputBuffer.right = false; } // Vertical controls if(data.normalizedY < -JOYSTICK_THRESHOLD) { inputBuffer.down = true; inputBuffer.up = false; } else if(data.normalizedY > JOYSTICK_THRESHOLD) { inputBuffer.up = true; inputBuffer.down = false; } else { inputBuffer.up = false; inputBuffer.down = false; } } } } }); // Begin the game gameLoop();
  18. I've updated working example with second set of images, and setTimeouts, so readers can see the whole thing! Thanks to JSG and Ingolme.
  19. OK, I'll work on that and come back. Will probably start new thread though since that's different than puzzle game logic. Thanks for your help.
  20. Thanks a lot! It works. Instead of Game over alert, how to replace last completed puzzle with a div or canvas text (after setTimeout)? else {alert("Game over.");}
  21. Sorry I missed that setTimeout takes a function. Here is complete is_equal function, I'm trying is_equal as function in setTimeout: if(is_equal(tiles, solution)) { currentRound++; if(currentRound < images.length) { // Load the next round // alert("Next round!"); selectRound(currentRound); } else { // The game has ended alert("Game over."); } } }//setTimeout window.setTimeout(is_equal, 2000);
  22. Thanks, I'm trying this, but window not delaying if(is_equal(tiles, solution)) { window.setTimeout(solution, 2000); currentRound++;
  23. How to delay the complete round (show complete puzzle for a couple seconds) before loading new round? Thanks. // If the round is complete, load the next round if(is_equal(tiles, solution)) { currentRound++; if(currentRound < images.length) { // Load the next round // alert("Next round!"); selectRound(currentRound);
  24. Ignolme, thank you, this is great! It works with different sets of images in array. I willl study your functions, especially move and display. The annotations help. And cool Tails art.
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