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Posts posted by baengin

  1. <object type="text/html" data="http://www.anatoliajournal/atad" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:0%;"> </object>
    <iframe src="http://www.anatoliajournal/atad"></iframe>

    Hello, I have a problem about iframes. When I try to embed "http://www.anatoliajournal.com/atad" code into my another website, it is not working. There is a blank div arising. Also I coded this site and there is no xframe stuff. Also I am coding the new site in localhost but I embed some of my another sites like " http://www.interdisciplinaryconference.org/" with the same code, and it is working in local host. These two sites are going to be in the same server but different domains. I dont know how to solve this.


    In this new site, there is a header and a footer. And I try to embed "http://www.anatoliajournal.com/atad" in a div inside body. Actually I am trying to create something like a roof site. These other sites are continuing to work under their own domains but also at the same time they can be reachable under roof site. Maybe this new site is going to be a transitional site till coding a integrated one.


    Can you give me a solution to embed "http://www.anatoliajournal.com/atad" into a div of an another site. Also I have tried <embed> codes and ajax.


    Thank you.

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