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Everything posted by skaterdav85

  1. Rather than paying tuition somewhere, I would suggest just watching online video tutorials and creating your own little websites for practice. I have found videos much easier to focus on and learn from (since they seem to go faster than i can read lol) rather than reading a book, although i still read books about various technologies on some more advanced topics. If you're more interested in doing web development, you can watch several free video series on Nettuts in javascript, jquery, and php, along with other miscellaneous web development topics. You could also pay for a monthly subscription to lynda.com and watch video tutorials on Web Design, Photoshop, and several web development technologies. From my experience, I took a small certificate program during my undergrad and it gave me the fundamentals in web development, but that definitely wasn't enough to get me a job in the field. After that over the next year and half, I watched online tutorials, read books, and discovered industry practices which helped me get job offers now in web development. Some of the things that i wasn't taught in school included MVC frameworks, JS libraries, and object oriented programming.
  2. skaterdav85


    oh ok. why are younger businesses/developers fired up about them? are python or ruby good for anything in particular?
  3. skaterdav85


    Is python good for web crawling? I haven't heard of much development in python. Is this something that is kind of outdated or is it still very much widely used?
  4. I have a few hidden input fields that contain integers and I am going to insert these values into a sql server db into fields of type int. I tried using the CAST() function in my query, but it keeps throwing an error saying:[Macromedia] [sqlServer JDBC Driver][sqlServer]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.Is there anything wrong with my query? <cfquery datasource="db1">INSERT INTO testSetup (id1, id2, id3, position, testStartDate)VALUES( <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="form.id1">, CAST(#form.id2# AS INTEGER), CAST(#form.id3# AS INTEGER), 1, <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="form.startDate">)</cfquery>
  5. Both are 'correct'. It just depends what you want to do. The first increments before echoing out to the page whereas the second increments after echoing out to the page.
  6. Do you know the differences in the free and purchased Coda? What would be an equivalent free editor to TextMate?
  7. I just dled Coda and it does look quite good. Is it free though? The website has a purchase tab in the navigation, but when i open up the application, I am not prompted for any type of key or license... I'm guessing you are a mac guy. What do you think of TextMate?
  8. If the PHP tutorial is still being worked on, I'd like to see more object oriented concepts in php. Because the tutorial doesnt cover OOP, I've been reading "PHP Object-Oriented Solutions" by David Powers, which is a great book for a beginner, as well as getting help from forum members. It'd be nice to have reference of some of the basics so i dont have to flip through my book or go to php.net all the time.
  9. has anyone used visual studio .net? Im learning how to create asp.net pages, and personally i think Visual Studio is terrible. Maybe I havent learned all the capabilities yet, but DW seems to be way better for auto-completion, allowing a user to select a color in hex in CSS, and adding html tags through the insert menu way faster.
  10. or maybe have a patch for cs3
  11. does anyone know where/if i can get the dreamweaver cs3 trial anywhere? i need the cs3 version, not cs4
  12. what is a good Free text editor that has Live Preview, color coding, and other cool features?
  13. skaterdav85


    does anyone know how to take the whole division <div>......</div> and center it? I tried align="center" and that didnt work. any tips? thanks!
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