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  1. ERRORColumn count doesn't match value count at row 1 I have this error how do I fix it
  2. Could you or somebody code a code to di that please
  3. no I don't want to know if someone is logged inI want the login bar to change when a person is logged in
  4. <?php$query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE status = '$status'";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);if($status == "0") { $oo = "<form action='console.php' method='post'><td class='main'><b>Username:</b> <input type='text' name='user' value='' class='form'> <b>Password:</b> <input type='password' name='pword' class='form'> <input type='submit' value='Login' class='lp'></td></form> "; }if($status == "1") { $oo = "Weclome!"; }echo "$oo";?> Hi I am looking for to change the user login area when a user is logged in but it won't change please help.
  5. You're awesome thanks so much
  6. #1 I find cid no where but site.php#2 I got the correct id in bot 12 and 13
  7. Everything to do with the challenges is below // displays the Challenges pagefunction dispChallenge() {global $tablebg1, $bordercolor1;echo "<table align='center' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='black' width='600'><tr><td align='center'><img src='images/challenges.gif'></td></tr><tr><td class='small'><br><br>";$query = "SELECT * FROM challanges ORDER BY id DESC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die("dispChallenge");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$crank = getRank($challanger, "num");$crank1 = getRank($challanged, "num");$fullrank = getRank($challanger, "full");$fullrank1 = getRank($challanged, "full");$personwon = ""; $decliner = "";$showreplay = "";if($winner != "None") { $personwon = "{ <b>Winner:</b> $winner }"; }if($declined != "") { $decliner = "{ <font color='red'>DECLINED BY $declined</font> }"; }if($replay != "None") { $showreplay = "<a href='$replay'>VIEW REPLAY</a>"; }echo "<table align='center' width='575' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td colspan='3' class='small'> { <b>Date:</b> $date } { <b>Map:</b> $map } $personwon</td></tr><tr><td colspan='3'><hr width='550' color='$bordercolor1' size='1'></td></tr><tr><td><center><img src='images/bigranks/$crank.gif'></center></td><td rowspan='2'><center><h1>VS.</h1></center></td><td><center><img src='images/bigranks/$crank1.gif'></center></td></tr><tr><td align='center'><b><h3><a href='index.php?p=Profile&user=$challanger'>$challanger</a></h3></b></td><td align='center'><b><h3><a href='index.php?p=Profile&user=$challanged'>$challanged</a></h3></b></td></tr><tr><td colspan='3' class='main' align='center'><b>$showreplay</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan='3'><br><hr width='550' color='$bordercolor1' size='1'><br></td></tr></table>";}echo "</td></tr></table>";} // end of dispChallenge // challenges a clan memberfunction challengeMember($user) {global $tablebg1, $bordercolor1, $submit, $member, $map, $challangedate, $datesmall;if($submit) {$query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = '$user'";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);$fullrank = turnRank($rank);$query = "INSERT INTO challanges (challanger, challanged, date, map) VALUES ('$user', '$member', '$challangedate', '$map')";$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: challengeMember INSERT");$message = "$fullrank $user has challenged you to a 1v1. The date of the challenge is $challangedate and the map being played on is $map.";$query = "INSERT INTO pm (sender, reciever, subject, date1, message) VALUES ('$fullrank $user', '$member', 'Challange', '$datesmall', '$message')";$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: challangeMember");echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert(\"Success!\");window.location.href = 'console.php'; </script>";}$query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE username != '$user' and disable = '0' ORDER BY rank DESC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {extract($row);$fullrank = turnRank($rank);$options .= "<option value='$username'>$fullrank $username</option>";}echo "<table align='center' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='$bordercolor1' width='500'><tr><td background='$tablebg1' class='main' align='center'><b>Challenge a Member</b></td></tr><tr><td class='small'><form action='console.php?p=Challenge' method='post'><blockquote><br>This is where you can challenge another clan member and prove to everyone that you own... or ######. Fill out the form and they will be PM'd. It will also be posted on the Challenge page of the site<br><br><b>Member:</b> <select name='member' class='textarea'>$options</select><br><b>Date:</b> <input type='text' name='challangedate' class='form'><br><b>Map:</b> <input type='text' name='map' class='form'><br><br><center><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' class='lp'></center></form></blockquote></td></tr></table>";} // end challangeMember // edits challengesfunction editChallenges($user) {global $bordercolor1, $tablebg1, $submit, $cid, $decline, $idc, $matchdate, $matchreplay, $mapused, $personwon, $deletethis;echo "<table align='center' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='$bordercolor1' width='500'><tr><td background='$tablebg1' class='main' align='center'><b>Edit Challenges</b></td></tr>";if($decline) {echo "<script language='javascript'>if(!confirm('Do really want to decline? You won\'t be able to edit this \\n\ challenge after you decline.')){window.location = 'console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=$idc'}</script>";$query = "UPDATE challanges SET declined = '$user' WHERE id = '$idc'";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert(\"Success!\");window.location.href = 'console.php'; </script>";}if($submit) {$query = "UPDATE challanges SET date = '$matchdate', replay = '$matchreplay', map = '$mapused', winner = '$personwon' WHERE id = '$idc'";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert(\"Success!\");window.location.href = 'console.php'; </script>";}if($deletethis) {deleteStuff("challanges", $idc, 112188);}if($cid == "") {echo "<tr><td class='small'><br><blockquote>This is where you can edit your challenges. If no challenges are shown that means no one has challenged you <b>OR</b> you have declined from a challange making you unable to now edit it.<br><br>";$query = "SELECT * FROM challanges WHERE (challanger = '$user' OR challanged = '$user') AND declined != '$user' ORDER BY id DESC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {extract($row);echo "<a href='console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=$id'>$challanger vs. $challanged</a> - $date<br>";}echo "</blockquote></td></tr>";}if($cid != "") {$query = "SELECT * FROM challanges WHERE (challanger = '$user' OR challanged = '$user') AND declined != '$user' ORDER BY id DESC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);if($declined == "") { $wannadecline = "<center><input type='submit' name='decline' value='Decline' class='lp'></center><br>"; }if($declined != "") { $wannadelete = "<center><input type='submit' name='deletethis' value='Delete' class='lp'></center><br>"; }echo "<tr><td class='small'><form action='console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=$id' method='post'><blockquote><br><center><b>$challanger</b> vs. <b>$challanged</b></center><br><br><input type='hidden' name='idc' value='$id'><b>Date:</b> <input type='text' name='matchdate' value='$date' class='textarea'><br><b>Map:</b> <input type='text' name='mapused' value='$map' class='textarea'><br><b>Winner:</b> <input type='text' name='personwon' value='$winner' class='textarea'><br><b>Replay:</b> <input type='text' name='matchreplay' value='$replay' class='textarea'><br><br>$wannadelete$wannadecline<center><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' class='lp'></center></form></td></tr>";}echo "</table>";} // end editChallenges
  8. Part of the HTML: <tr><td class='small'><br><blockquote>This is where you can edit your challenges. If no challenges are shown that means no one has challenged you <b>OR</b> you have declined from a challange making you unable to now edit it.<br><br><a href='console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=13'>Webmaster vs. Yugiohwiz(HK)</a> - <br><a href='console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=12'>Webmaster vs. Tradro(HK)</a> - <br></blockquote></td></tr></table>
  9. That did not workcould there be other parts in the code?
  10. ok I have a script that calls ids. It calls the right ids but the wrong info.I have id1 and id2.I click the link for id1 and I get id2s info. I click id2 and I get id2s info. I type in id3 which does not exist and I get id2s info. // edits challengesfunction editChallenges($user) {global $bordercolor1, $tablebg1, $submit, $cid, $decline, $idc, $matchdate, $matchreplay, $mapused, $personwon, $deletethis;echo "<table align='center' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='$bordercolor1' width='500'><tr><td background='$tablebg1' class='main' align='center'><b>Edit Challenges</b></td></tr>";if($decline) {echo "<script language='javascript'>if(!confirm('Do really want to decline? You won\'t be able to edit this \\n\ challenge after you decline.')){window.location = 'console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=$idc'}</script>";$query = "UPDATE challanges SET declined = '$user' WHERE id = '$idc'";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert(\"Success!\");window.location.href = 'console.php'; </script>";}if($submit) {$query = "UPDATE challanges SET date = '$matchdate', replay = '$matchreplay', map = '$mapused', winner = '$personwon' WHERE id = '$idc'";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert(\"Success!\");window.location.href = 'console.php'; </script>";}if($deletethis) {deleteStuff("challanges", $idc, 112188);}if($cid == "") {echo "<tr><td class='small'><br><blockquote>This is where you can edit your challenges. If no challenges are shown that means no one has challenged you <b>OR</b> you have declined from a challange making you unable to now edit it.<br><br>";$query = "SELECT * FROM challanges WHERE (challanger = '$user' OR challanged = '$user') AND declined != '$user' ORDER BY id DESC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {extract($row);echo "<a href='console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=$id'>$challanger vs. $challanged</a> - $date<br>";}echo "</blockquote></td></tr>";}if($cid != "") {$query = "SELECT * FROM challanges WHERE (challanger = '$user' OR challanged = '$user') AND declined != '$user' ORDER BY id DESC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);if($declined == "") { $wannadecline = "<center><input type='submit' name='decline' value='Decline' class='lp'></center><br>"; }if($declined != "") { $wannadelete = "<center><input type='submit' name='deletethis' value='Delete' class='lp'></center><br>"; }echo "<tr><td class='small'><form action='console.php?p=EditChallenges&cid=$id' method='post'><blockquote><br><center><b>$challanger</b> vs. <b>$challanged</b></center><br><br><input type='hidden' name='idc' value='$id'><b>Date:</b> <input type='text' name='matchdate' value='$date' class='textarea'><br><b>Map:</b> <input type='text' name='mapused' value='$map' class='textarea'><br><b>Winner:</b> <input type='text' name='personwon' value='$winner' class='textarea'><br><b>Replay:</b> <input type='text' name='matchreplay' value='$replay' class='textarea'><br><br>$wannadelete$wannadecline<center><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' class='lp'></center></form></td></tr>";}echo "</table>";} // end editChallenges
  11. I don't see why it wouldn't work but could you please post a link to you site
  12. background-attachment: scroll; You Were Missing The ;
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