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  1. Yeah, that's exactly how my code is. I've tried entering just plain HTML code before in some forums, and it didn't work like that.But anyways..
  2. If you go to http://blue-nimmo.net/Other/new_unreleased_800x600.html, you'll see that I have many divs going all in one row. My problem is, towards the bottom, my rows are getting messed up and instead there might be one or two divs per row, AND they're on the right side.Here's my coding for those who need it:[style type=text/css]#div { float: left; padding: 1px;}#new_div { float: left; padding: 1px; background-color: Yellow;}[/style]-------------------------------[div id=div] [br]Pet Name[br] [/div][div id=new_div] [br]Pet Name[br] Released 1-3-06[/div]Thank you so much if you can help - it seems nobody else can help.
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