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Everything posted by KrishnaAhire

  1. @COBOLdinosaur, Thank you so much for your reply but I actually did not get your point. I want the same script. I want the process to make it happen on my webpages. If I modify the main url, image target should also be changed. Please guide me further.
  2. I saw a website real-online-job.com it has an image "Click Here" targeted to referral url clixsense.com/?r=3669939, its easy but when we change main url to real-online-job.com/?r=5423128, image target also changes to clixsense.com/?r=5423128. I want this code for my website. Please help. NOTE :- This is not a SPAM message. I really want to know about this thing, I had to give this links under my question for better understanding to all you helping guys. Admin can surely delete this message but please let me know the answer for this via email, if not possible here.
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