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Everything posted by jocar6562

  1. Hi just by asking questions and following suggestions I have found the answer. I put the film clip into editing software with the sound I wanted and when saving gave me a number of extensions I copuld use. MP4, OGV,WEBM, they all work in different platforms but not all. One extension that works in all android, apple,moz, msn all makes of smart phones with full controls is m4v. I have never heard of M4v until an hour ago. below is the code used which works in the way I wanted. On phones you get a arrow to press to start which works fine its not auto on mobile but is on android tablet but I think you can't have every thing </video src= " blackpaint.mp4" controls autoplay loop width="600" height="350"> </video> Thank every body for their time and help JohnC Maybe an idea to show the extension in w3schools M4v
  2. Hi tried this code from w3schools <video width="900" controls> <source src="fun.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="stones.ogg" type="ogg"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video. </video> sound worked when separated into separate controls but put together same results of no control no sound. Back to the original script <video src="Fun.mp4" controls autoplay loop width="600" height="350"> </video> </div> <audio src="stones.MP3" controls autoplay hidden loop ></audio> I have no idea how to get the sound control to work JohnC
  3. Thank you for your help used the embed scrapped the css. Then put in sound to play but used this code which worked good on all platforms. There is a problem in which is puzzling me it is the sound control it does not work on screen. all the other icons work on the control bar To full screen, stop start movie When you separate the 2 controls they work fine but I am trying to get the sound control to work with the video control just below is code I have written. <video src="Fun.mp4" controls autoplay loop width="600" height="350"> </video> </div> <audio src="black.MP3" controls autoplay hidden loop ></audio> When I remove the hidden it breaks into 2 controls which I do not want. Normally the control is hidden but I oversized the video to get a screen capture Would be pleased for any help on this unable to find anything in the w3c school for putting the 2 controls together JohnC
  4. Used old script and then put in visibility Hidden which worked okay moved embed to css lay out but visibility not working not sure what put in.I have made it auto start. Html page <audio controls autoplay> <source src="2jc.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" class="c1"> Sorry your browser does not support our audio at 2jc. </audio> below the css /* CSS layout 2jc */ /*<![CDATA[*/ embed.c1 { width: 692px; height:155px; background-image:url('perfume-logo.jpg'); visibility:hidden; outline-color:fuchsia; background-position:center; } /*]]>*/ ) 2 question tried to put picture in background which shows up on page load then overplayed with pic below If any can help with the code to make invisible. I am trying 2 things here and would also like help to see if I can put a picture in instead of the black background on the music control panel. Thank you for your time JohnC
  5. I still use it for getting the basic css script that is written for me but you have to do a lot of work in the css. You have to keep your eyes on the script as it does place script on the HTML pages in the wrong place. It also puts a BOM byte order mark on each page you have to take off. It does create messy HTML.
  6. jocar6562

    Drop down menu

    Hi Its on the drop down tried to put a picture on the drop down with the links on ? .dropdown-content { display: none; position: absolute; background-color: #ffcccc; min-width: 70%; Got it took me 20 minutes to get a picture in the content .dropdown-content { display: none; position: absolute; background-image: url( 'logo2.png') ; min-width: 70%; I was trying to use img src="12.jpg" alt="menu" Now I going to move the script into the main web site css its working fine what I expected.
  7. Yes it is worth taking a look at Microsoft expression I find it better than some of the other stuff on the market except for Dreamweaver cs3
  8. I still use front page its web expression now tried Adobe Dreamweaver which is a traffic programme but for the basic sites I build Adobe Dreamweaver is to much.
  9. Tried every thing clearing browser catch what I do while changing ccs write text on the doc page when I see it I know changes have taken place. I can go to other pages that's not using the ccs style sheet make changes on the page text and put in pictures which publish in milliseconds. Its only when making changes in the css script which can take up to 10 minutes to publish. I have nearly finished the form only got the @media to put in the css
  10. Hi What I finding making alterations to ccs style sheets this seems to apply when part of the script ie a form is linked to js, php, or asp it, can take up to 20 minutes for script changes to appear on the web. I have closed down the site and reopened the changes are still on the webpage but not on the web for minutes. When you change a colour, height, width padding these changes are instant, But a form, its horrible trying to put some design in to the form. it catches you out by the time you make several changes to the script and one change is wrong its difficult to identify which bit is wrong. I have a post form used years ago its a table tag with elements </td> </tr> lines style of width and height and colour in each input line trying to up date the form. anyway I will get there and do this just to see how it works in a blank Html doc.
  11. Hi Thank you The <i> and <span> worked but put the text out of place the <br> worked well. I did think about styling it in a block but <br> works fine.AS I understand the <br> is useful for writing addresses and poems and did not consider using it for other purposes. Thank you again for your time JohnC JohnC
  12. Hi I cannot find a way to validate this code. marked in red error The report I get back is "expected Element p not allowed as child of element h2 in this context" <div class="content-grid"> <a href="single.html" class="b-link-stripe b-animate-go"> <img src="images/pi2.jpg" alt="rose"> <div class="b-wrapper"> <h2 class="b-animate b-from-left b-delay03 "> <span>Cool App Design</span> <p>development, mobile</p> <i> </i> </h2> </div> When I rewrite to; <div class="content-grid"> <a href="single.html" class="b-link-stripe b-animate-go"> <img src="images/pi2.jpg" alt="rose"> <div class="b-wrapper"> <h2 class="b-animate b-from-left b-delay03 "> <span>Cool App Design</span> development, mobile <i> </i> </h2> </div> The above goes through validation when published but just below the 2 lines of text is a short Line you loose this effect on the 2nd script Tried all the tags tried lo li h1 h2 3h and others to try and get it validated with to include the short line below the text. But I am stuck Thank you for your time JohnC
  13. Hi just a quick question spent an hour looking for an answer In the w3c schools js script pop up box where does the " Prevent this page from creating additional Dialogues" come from in the example JohnC
  14. Hi With the css js php and also asp I found it can sometimes take time to appear on the web in the split screen and checking the code I asked the hosting service about this but no one knows I made some changes to correct but would not validate I gave up left the script in and closed the site down. I came back an hour later to have another go at validation and checked to see what what the errors wear and it passed. You publish text put in pictures change the script on the html page and its instant publishing but with php or js or with asp it sometimes take time to change. johnc
  15. This template has many many errors and warnings in but after correcting the script I got it validated to HTML4 at w3c validation service I would not of done this without ref to w3c shools tutorial . The css style sheet has 106 errors in it with 6200 lines of ccs its I think its an off the shelf ccs matches everything. The contact form is terrific on computer and mobile phone or cell phone it has no boxes. Below a picture of the post form have to put in some security in the php yet. some temp plates you use are good and some I think are just very badly put together Johnc
  16. yes you are right . I am going to leave this page without the form in thank you for your reply johnc
  17. First thing I would work on is getting your site validated to w3c standard. Then get into google Sitemaster and msn developer who will help with site rankings. johnc
  18. I give up on these forms a simple yes okay alter the css/js puts the rest of the website out sink, but I think you need to built one page in with all the css and js to match that one page it should work but at the end of the day its a lot of work just for one contact form It was easier to build a link to a single page with a contact form in. These contact forms integrated with style very difficult for me to get right. 2 pictures of the contact form page one validated the other one that's will not go through validation looks bad. I am not asking for help with this I will have a think about the forms later. This is one of these temp plates from w3c for mobile. One above not validated one below validated. Looks easy to put right in the split screen view you see and put it right but after publishing it shows up as below Thanking every one their time JohnC
  19. Hi thank you for time the code pulled the website of of shape. I spent a lot of time on this so just using a basic post form and deal with the style css later using your suggestion of placeholder .The onfocus and onblur attributes have been around a long time. <form action="mail99.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="name" class="email" placeholder="Name" required=""> <input type="text" name="email" class="email" placeholder="email" required=""> <input type="text" name="website" class="email" placeholder="Website" required=""> <textarea name="message" class="email" placeholder="Message" required="" </textarea> <input type="submit" value="Send" > </form> Again than you for your time. With mobiles and ipads and computer you've got to think 3 ways johnc
  20. You need php for post but I use script I can find just cannot get my head round php okay with basic but use what I can find for the more complex
  21. Hi I have been putting in forms post in websites for a long time just started in the last few weeks to have a go at mobile website building using 3 of the w3c templates. which are terrific but one don't want to play. Its the form post I looked and tried many different ways to make the form work but its split with a div in removing the div the post works fine and looks good on website but not on mobile. I have put in a block form without the div of a different design post box which validates html4 but does not look as good, I want to keep the original post form in. Put the website through html tidy up which takes the <form/> and moves it to just after the action post. It validates to html4 but the form does not post.below is the offending scrip. <form action="mail99.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" value="Name" onfocus="this.value='';" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Name';}"> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <div class="your-single"> <i class="email"> </i> <input type="text" value="E-mail" onfocus="this.value='';" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'E-mail';}"> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <div class="your-single"> <i class="website"> </i> <input type="text" value="Website" onfocus="this.value='';" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Website';}"> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-single-in"> <textarea name="message" cols="77" rows="5" value=" " onfocus="this.value='';" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Message';}">Message</textarea> <input type="submit" value="SENT MESSAGE"> </form> I put one form block in which worked fine but it totally alters the shape on mobile view. Would be pleased if any one could solve this problem keeping the div in place and being validated to HTML4/5 Thank you for your time a picture below
  22. Hi Its a terrific website but love to build one similar. I would have different content and colour design but thats just me showing my age. validated to W3c. Only looked at your website on computer screen so I can't comment on how it looks on mobile. johnc
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