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Posts posted by raynerdurand

  1. here I attached a part of the js file and I annexed part of the html file:

    <form id="formLogin">
    <h3 class="h3Form">INGRESE SUS DATOS</h3> 
    <label id="label_correo" class="labelForm">Correo: </label><br> 
    <input id="correo" type="text" title="Ingrese el correo introducido en el proceso de registro" 
    <img id="iconCorrectCorreo" class="iconCorrectLog" src="css/img/iconCorrecto.png">
    <img id="iconErrorCorreo" class="iconErrorLog" src="css/img/iconError.png"><br> 
    <label id="label_pass" class="labelForm">Password: </label><br> 
    <input id="passLog" type="password" title="Ingrese su contraseƱa" class="inputs"/>
    <img id="iconCorrectPassLog" class="iconCorrectLog" src="css/img/iconCorrecto.png">
    <img id="iconErrorPassLog" class="iconErrorLog" src="css/img/iconError.png"><br>
    <label id="label_typeUser" class="labelForm">Tipo de Usuario: </label><br> 
    <select id="typeUser">
    <option value="cliente">Cliente</option>
    <option value="admin">Administrador</option>
    <img id="iconCorrectTypeUser" class="iconCorrectLog" src="css/img/iconCorrecto.png">
    <img id="iconErrorTypeUser" class="iconErrorLog" src="css/img/iconError.png"><br> 
    <button id="buttonLogin" class="botones">LOGIN</button>
    <a id="recuperaPass" href="#">Recuperar Password</a>
    <div class="msjFormsLog"><h5 id="msjLogError"></h5></div>


  2. Hi, I need your help please, I have created a button element in the HTML file, to which assigned the "click" event with a jquery code in a java script file. The problem is that.. when the page is loaded for first time and I open the login form when I press the login button my form close suddenly and it shows "?#" at the end of the URL, I don't know why happens this and I appreciate your help.

    thanks a lot.

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