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Posts posted by keytoneIam

  1. OK! I am going to give up and go back to the starting point and assume that everything that I thought I knew is either out-dated or invalid.

    I reckon it's just what I need instead of confusing myself with bit's and pieces, not knowing for sure how they work and what I'm doing.

    It's humbling, but I'm wasting my time and yours.

    Thank you very much for the advice you've freely given me and showing me that I need understand the basics before I can just "copy code online and try to alter it myself" without knowing what it is doing!

    I'm sure that I'll wind up asking for advice again at sometime in the future, though.

    I'm beginning right here...http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction, that's what I asked for!

    John :fool::D

  2. Well... I'm beginning to think that I'm just so far "out there" that I'd be pulling my hair out if I had any.

    I've been trying everything I can find on making my background image fit the screen fully and not go over the screen or under the screen size. ( responsive design ) It may be time for basket-weaving!

    At any rate, here is the mess that I'm trying to un-tangle.

    ( does the size of the image I'm using mean anything? )

    As I said, I'm beginning to "lose it".

    If you can tell me where to find the answer, that would be a true gift!

    John :facepalm:


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  3. I am trying to get a background image to fill the screen and be centered. Don't know what I'm doing wrong

    ( except for the fact that I don't know what I'm doing! )

    I've clearly missed something.

    The image is too big for my screen, and I can't get it centered or resized.

    I really could use a point in the right direction.

    Thank you very much if you can clear me up on this!

    John :facepalm:http://jdswebmarket.com




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    <title>JD's Web Market</title>
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    body { background-image:url('bg_images/pexels1764Wide.jpg');
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  4. Hi again everyone!

    I am trying to find out where to look to find out how to make my pages adjust to the viewer's screen size. Everyone has different screen-sizes and they all have mobile phones too. I thought I knew how to do it, but I seem to have lost some gray matter along life's road.

    If you can help with advice, I will be eternally grateful.

    John :facepalm:

  5. Hi everyone. I have pages with a dozen to 24 images (they are shown as Thumbnails and then enlarged to a "full" size when clicked. This makes even the thumbnail page load REAL slow unless a copy is already in the cache. I don't know how to "compress" an image...or "optimize" it.


    I also am trying to create a shopping site and that will involve many pages with images on them. I'm sure that will make them load slow also and people won't want to just sit around and wait for it!

    Any ideas and/or advice would be tremendously appreciated.


    Thanks very much, John

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