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Fire Dragon

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Everything posted by Fire Dragon

  1. Well,like usual I made something wrong My picture don't change it's location.I understood that absolutely location thing,but looks like,that I have problems with mix it with keyboard code.So what is now wrong?Here is my code: <html><head><title>JavaScript key press event</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><script type="text/javascript">document.onkeyup = KeyCheck; function KeyCheck(e){ var KeyID = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; switch(KeyID) {case 16: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Shift"; break; case 17: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Ctrl"; break; case 18: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Alt"; break; case 19: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Pause"; break; case 37: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Arrow Left"; break; case 38: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Arrow Up"; break; case 39: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Arrow Right"; break; case 40: document.Form1.KeyName.value = "Arrow Down"; break; }}</script><script type="text/javascript">var img = document.getElementById('img1');img.style.top = "56px"; //new location based on arrow pressimg.style.left = "49px"; //new location based on arrow press</script><img id="img1" src="lotad.gif" style="position:absolute;top:79px;left:98px" alt=""/></head><body></body></html> Thanks.Oooops!DOuble post!Sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry...
  2. Ok,I think,that I little like understand,what you mean.One thing,what I want ask,detail is about those "#px"is it so,that I place pixel value after that code snippet?Like #px10"?
  3. Thank you.About absolute position,how i can set it
  4. I made timer,using code from w3schools' example,but it won't work with my game.Here is code what I try get work: <script type="text/javascript">var t=setTimeout("document.getElementById('ritari1').style.display="block";",1000)</script> As you can see,I want that image,what's ID is "ritari1" comes visible,when time is over.ID code is right,because I tested it without timer,and it works nicely.But when I put ID and timer code together,nothing happens.And timer works nicely alone too.Did I write something wrong?
  5. How I can create,that you can move something using keyboard,using example arrows?I want make picture or object,what you can move using keys.what is that code?Somekind vk_space,example?Thanks.
  6. Well,this may be little stupid question,but I learned html in school,and teacher never say how to do this,and I can't find answer in w3schools.So my question are,how put images on diffrent locations in webpage?Example these two smileys: -----------------------DISTANCE------------------------- So how?I heard something that x and y coordinates,what have something to do with this,but I don't know...Thanks.
  7. Sigh...Maybe I must use that marquee,because it is simpler than JS code,shorter and works with all browsers,unlike that rumkin.com's.However,I might set it wrong.Thanks anyway.
  8. Okay,so what code is recommended to use?Some html,or JS code?I want know!
  9. I have two questions about marquee code.So here they are:1.Can I make same kind code than <marquee>,but only vertical direction?And how?2.Do <marquee> code make something about image's transparency in Fire Fox?I made transparency image,but it was white in Fire Fox,and transparency in Opera.Thanks.
  10. Sorry,I don't knew that there is other codebox tag.
  11. Thanks,but it don't "replace" mouse cursor,like that first one,what needs permission.Well,it looks like,I must ask permission so I can use that first code.Thanks anyway.BTW,I just noticed that you can use it for personally use I'm sorry that I caused so much writing to you. Soorryyy!But it gave new idea,so thanks!
  12. I can't get it work with Fire Fox,and with Opera,it was like those common texts,what follows mouse cursor.Code before was more like what I want.
  13. I used just that code,what was on the website,so it is like this:<script>/*Cross browser cursor trailer scriptBy Brian Caputo (bcaputo@icdc.com)Written permission granted to lissaexplains.comto distribute the script for personal use. (DO NOT REMOVE THIS)*/B=document.all;C=document.layers;T1=new Array("peli_link.gif",38,35)nos=parseInt(T1.length/3)rate=50ie5fix1=0;ie5fix2=0;for (i=0;i<nos;i++){createContainer("CUR"+i,i*10,i*10,i*3+1,i*3+2,"","<img src='"+T1[i*3]+"' width="+T1[(i*3+1)]+" height="+T1[(i*3+2)]+" border=0>")}function createContainer(N,Xp,Yp,W,H,At,HT,Op,St){with (document){write((! ? "<layer id='"+N+"' left="+Xp+" top="+Yp+" width="+W+" height="+H : "<div id='"+N+"'"+" style='position:absolute;left:"+Xp+"; top:"+Yp+"; width:"+W+"; height:"+H+"; ");if(St){if ©write(" style='");write(St+";' ")}else write((?"'":"");write((At)? At+">" : ">");write((HT) ? HT : "");if (!Op)closeContainer(N)}}function closeContainer(){document.write((?"</div>":"</layer>")}function getXpos(N){return ( ? parseInt(B[N].style.left) : C[N].left}function getYpos(N){return ( ? parseInt(B[N].style.top) : C[N].top}function moveContainer(N,DX,DY){c=( ? B[N].style :C[N];c.left=DX;c.top=DY}function cycle(){//if (IE5)if (document.all&&window.print){ie5fix1=document.body.scrollLeft;ie5fix2=document.body.scrollTop;}for (i=0;i<(nos-1);i++){moveContainer("CUR"+i,getXpos("CUR"+(i+1)),getYpos("CUR"+(i+1)))}}function newPos(e){moveContainer("CUR"+(nos-1),(?event.clientX+ie5fix1:e.pageX+2,(?event.clientY+ie5fix2:e.pageY+2)}if(document.layers)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)document.onmousemove=newPossetInterval("cycle()",rate)</script> Or do you have another samekind code,because looks like that I must ask permission before I can use this code?
  14. Thanks,it works fine with Opera.Do anyone know samekind code what works with Fire Fox?I want code what works with most popular browsers.However,it isn't so important.
  15. Okay,I need this kind pictures:1.Picture what replaces mouse cursor.How I can make?Or picture follows mouse veeeery near.2.Picture,what follows mouse,but it moves itself,and when you don't move cursor,image moves near, and near.Until it touches mousecursor.I made example with Game Maker,what I mean.It is exe file,so you can load and open it.If you want,check it first with virus scanner.Here is LINKLittle strange way to tell what means
  16. Thanks.It works fine.I got this idea to my mind last evening,but I forget it now morning.
  17. Thanks.That was just what I want.
  18. Well,I found one site,where is code how to set sound,when mouse is over image.I tried this before in school,when we build webpages,but it won't work and now I use Fire Fox,and it won't work with it.Well,is there samekind code,what works with Fire Fox?I know that I can make this with JS someway,but I want know,is there different ways to that with HTML.Here is code,what I found before: <IMG SRC="picture.gif" onMouseOver="document.all.music.src='music.au'"> <bgsound src="#" id=music loop=2 autostart="true">
  19. Fire Dragon

    Symbian OS

    Do anyone know where I can find tutorial for Symbian OS programming?I saw one book about this language before in bookshop,but it was little too expensive,because I only want look and try that language.So do anyone know?
  20. Thanks,it works nicely!But do anyone know,how make pictures disappear,when variable is lower than 52?This thing isn't my biggest problems now,but it would be nice,if I can learn it Thanks.
  21. Okay...But how I then can place image appear,when variable is 52?Or is it completely impossible?Heeelp!
  22. I have little problem about document.write code.Okay,I made little exercise code,where is two buttons.Another them increases variable,and other decreases it.So,I made it so,that when variable is "52",document.write creates image to screen.However,it appeared above those two buttons,and I can't press them!So question is,how I can control,where document.write creates picture?And one extra question,if code creates image when number is above 52,how I can set it disappear,when variable is under 52?Thanks.And last,here is my code.It contains some Finnish words,but I think that you can still understand my code <html><head><script type="text/javascript">var mutu=50function cnt(){mutu=mutu+1if(mutu == 52){document.write('<img src="lotad.gif">')}}var mutu=50function minus(){mutu=mutu-1if(mutu == 52){document.write('<img src="lotad.gif">')}}</script><script type="text/javascript">function tarkista(){document.getElementById('txt').value=mutu}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" onclick="cnt()" value="Lisää"></form><form><input type="button" onclick="minus()" value="Vähennä"></form><form><input type="button" onclick="tarkista()" value="Näytä tämän hetkinen luku."></form><form><input type="text" id="txt"></form></body></html>
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