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Posts posted by Jorgensen

  1. Inspired by this layout https://cargo.site/Templates#wireframep091 where its possible to move elements freely around, I'm trying to create a fully flowting layout - but I'm quite unsure how to do it the best way - if possible at all (for me).

    You can see an example here https://rattenborg.com/2022/

    What I have done now - I have placed some DIVS, than can be moved around using the concept from this page https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_draggable.asp, and every time an object is moved, its x and y pos is saved in a MySQL database, where elements are loaded and placed from, when the page reloads.

    It's working just fine now, but one thing I can't figure out is how to make the layout flexible, so it can be used on different resolutions. The drag function requires the elements to have a absolute position, so I'm quite tied up to that, unless there is a smarter way to achieve what I search for.

    I sure need to look into how to protect the layout, so visiters can't adjust elements, but right now it's just a proof of concept.

    If anyone can guide me in the right direction I would be glad 🙂


  2. I have constructed a webpage using w3.css. 

    When I see the page in internet explorer on my local computer running usbwebserver.exe, the page looks fine, but when i copy the page to our server - and then access the page via http://intranet/ the layout messes up. 

    Does anyone know what can cause this? 

    ps. The page looks fine in chrome, both local and on the server, but I would like to enable Internet Explorer, as this can open files in File Explorer. 



    on server.JPG

  3. hi

    i have created a simple menu that uses the w3-animate-left class and opens when the menu icon i pressed. 

    it work fine and looks nice - but when i close the menu i use onclick display:none - this makes the menu go away in a "hard" way. 

    is there an easy way to animate the menu out again? 


  4. my thought also...

    well if i change the "zclass" to "class" it does actually not work the same. 

    with "zclass" the content slides to the side, with "class" the content seems to change scale, but does not slide to the side. 


  5. hi 

    like the way that this menu pushes the page content when the menu opens

    w3 examle

    in the code i can see they use a "zclass" - and i wonder what that is? i have searched w3schools.com, and the only place i find it, is on the page i link to.

    can anyone explane what this zclass is? 

    are there other / smarter ways to achive this effect - or is this the way to do it?




  6. hi dsnokesuk

    i found the problem - i simple needed to add a </div> and a new <div class="w3-row"> after every three items - doh quite simple - but i have overseen it. 


  7. I have 
    - created an exact copy of this example (see below) https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/tryit.asp?filename=tryw3css_ref_row
    - copied the code to a test.html file
    - copied the file to our company server 
    - copied the to an extern www server

    Internet explorer displays the exact same file different on intranet vs www. When seen on the intranet internet explorer seems to ignore the setting "w3-row",  while it works fine on the www server. 

    Chrome shows the file fine on both intranet and on www. 

    can anyone help solving this issue, as it drives me..............









  8. I know internet explorer is a headache, but that the exactly same page / files displays that different on two different locations really surprises me 😕

  9. i have an other issue - when i copy the site to our server on the network, for internal testing with colleagues, some layouts messes up in internet explorer - no difference in chrome.

    it's like the css somehow messes up. the links are blue - the black logo is not hidden as it should bee (only visible on the white background). and most of all - the "nyheder/new" shows as single images in a column, and not as four columns. 

    i guess i have messed up some code :-/ - but it's strange to me that it only happens when the site is copied to our server and not when i run it local, or if i upload to our domain. 





  10. hi dsonesuk

    i can see it's very inflexible to set a specific height on the items, but do you know if there is a flexible way to achieve a 'grid' like the one i try to achive? 



  11. Hi

    What is the best way to handle webdesign, so the page looks good on both desktop and mobile?

    i can see if that I setup the layout in a flexible way, the same page shows ok on both platforms. But I think I need to cut down content amount for mobile, and devide the content on several pages. 

    So as I see it, the two things I need is two different menues and content loading platform depended. 

    I have seen some php mobile detection that might work - but is this the right way to handle the two platforms?




  12. hi dsonesuk

    i'm sure it's not the best solution and it somehow compromise the flexibility, but i think, that i for now have to use the flexible version for now and then go back later to optimize the page. 


  13. ah ok, - so if i understand you correct, this is intended, so images can have different heights.

    so it seems that setting a specific height for all items solved the problem.

    thanks dsonesuk


  14. hi

    i'n new here - i have done homepage designs on and off for the last twenty as a hobby (i'm no a programmer), mostly using serverside php and the tabels for building the side at clientside.  

    it's now time to update the company site, and that the mobiles has come into the scene i have searched the net to find out how to set flexible sites, and i'ts my impression that i can do a lot with w3.css. 

    but as this is all new to me i have got some problems / questions. 

    i use a <div class="w3-row"> to display some items, and every item is in their own <div  class="w3-col l4 w3-margin-bottom">

    but if one of the items has more text than others, then the layout jumps around. 

    i'm sure the is a way to avoid this, and that it's quite simple - but i just cant figure out how :-(

    can anyone help? 



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