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Posts posted by sarahfoxnz

  1. Hello. Im convertig anold site to W3-css  & started on one page.. (i'll update the other pages soon).




    The problem is, that the black menu at the top looks like 98% of the screen-width on a PCC / computer, & the yellow title above it, is 100% wide. HOWEVER, on the ipad - the black menu is 100% of the ipad width, but the yellow title, is OVER the width (making the ipad have a left/right scrollbar - or able to move sideways).


    When i first tried to upgrade/fix this page (or page template),  I had the w3-row and w3-mobile on the 3 div areas (menu, main content & right-text).  According to the w3-css website, The sections should be above one another on small (ipad) screens.  Though the main Sudoku board overlapped the right-side text & didnt stack..


    Am i forgetting one essential piece of code ? 


  2. Ive worked it out .  added the following classes to the CSS,



    (reverse opacity)  

    and on the main template


    <td class="w3-red w3-reverseopac">
      Text to include 




  3. https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_effects.asp


    Hello. I'm wondering if there is a REVERSE of the hover effects.

    Currently i've got it on w3-hover-red  -  changing it to a red background if i hover over a div area. But what i'm after is to put 3-4 divs side by side (i can do this) - but have them using grayscale or opacity as default, and when i hover over the divs, it will display "normal" (not grayscale/opacity),

    has anyone tried this technique ?


  4. 34 minutes ago, Ingolme said:

    Set the type attribute of the button: <button type="button"> so that it won't try to submit the form.

    Thank you - That part worked. Ive fixed 1-2 other things as well, but Im baffled as to my next problem.


    If i click on the button - It does hide the menu - which is good. But it does not make the 2nd div "menu1" visible. so the mobile-phone user cant make the menu re-appear.

    (though if they go to another page - the top menu does reappear.. ) .. i may do cookies so the option carries forward.


  5. I started to follow the https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_navigation.asp  navigation page. However the menu I want required a bit more - with a few SELECT fields and a form. 

    My page is here :- http://newtib.kwister.com/


    The menu at the top (marked in HTML code as  <!-- NEW MENU -->  works fine. 

    On  big/medium screen - it is the same, However on a small screen (mobile) I see a small button which says "HIDE MENU".  This is OK. & when I press the button, the menu hides itself.

    PROBLEM: within 1-2 seconds of pressing the button, the menu reappears. I am wondering if someone can assist with finding a problem with the script ?

    (on a mobile). 

    if Div is hidden, show it it

    if Div is visible, Hide it


    I have TWO divs (one underneath). Which shows another button.  If one div is hidden, the other div is visible. its supposed to swap when the buttons are pressed..  


  6. yes - My host apparently stops scheduling at various times & dont notice anything until someone mentions it. 


    Late last night I fixed it, with this code (not css - sorry). (code is wonky on this screen)



    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
      var myVar = setInterval(myFunction2, 35000);
      function myFunction2() {
      $( "#myID" ).load( "/content.php", function() {});
      script.onerror = function() {
      alert("cannot load script");




  7. <div class="mySlides w3-container"><a href="/todo#feedback" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-mobile">Feedback</a></div>


    <div class="mySlides w3-container"><a href="/todo#feedback" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-mobile">Contact us</a></div>


    Hello - Stupid question - How do i remove all formatting on this forum ? the above is copied from my html code & it looks weird - i cant remove the blank space / gap. (it also appears that this box where im typing is 50% of the available size, it word-wraps much sooner than i want.


    When i type, i like plain text with no formatting of any description.


    MAIN QUESTION:-  https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_slideshow.asp


    I'm using the carousel()  function. I have successfully used the carousel in another website Ive done (just simply swap between two phrases / words).  However this time, I want to activate / run a PHP script. 


    I do not need the PHP results to be displayed on screen - I just need it to run every few minutes or so. Ive researched ajax, php, javascript etc & copied the code from my other script.  my text in the div does rotate, however i just cant get the php script to activate.  ive used  content.php   /content.php  and even http://mysite.com/content.php  


    The bad thing too, is theres no error / result / error messages of any kind. i dont even know if its checking the correct path to find my script (maybe its checking a different / incorrect path. 


    has anyone got assistance to activate a  php script every xx seconds ? (once i get it going, i can change things).


    All the php script does is display/echo  the time() value, & also save the time to a file. I'll remove the echo part once i get it going, as i dont need anything displayed on screen. I'll change the php script once its working 






  8. FURTHER: Examining the css file, w3-half and the other sizes, are all FLOAT LEFTS.  So even if you want it centered, it wont center. I guess i'll have to create my own extra CSS.



    I've added 2 new css classes - By-passing the float lefts.


    Would this be useful to add to the "master" file ? (i'm sure you can add various sizes - quarter /third etc...)






  9. Ive checked & downloaded a fresh copy of the latest CSS (my one did not have w3-auto. ) Ive now got w3-auto, and use this (removing my excess divs)


    <table class="w3-table-all w3-border  w3-half w3-auto">

    However its left-aligned. The auto option does not work on tables. 

  10. There MUST be an easier way than this - But ive figured it out.  Why have so much HTML code to do such a simple task ? 

    Ive got 4 additional divs just to "center" a table within an EXISTING div.  Why ? (ALSO: you need to do the w3-quarter / w3-half BEFORE the w3-content. i tried putting them after ( w3-content w3-half ) , but it didnt work.

    <div class="w3-row">
    <div class=" w3-quarter w3-container"></div>
    <div class="w3-half w3-container">
    <table class="w3-table-all">

    (Table rows / content)

    <div class="w3-quarter w3-container"></div>



  11. Hello.


    Is there an EASY way to have a w3css table that is centered & a variable width. IE not taking up 100% of the available div width.

    Ive currently got this code - it is a small width - but it still floats to the left of the screen. 


      <div class="w3-row">
      <div class="w3-half w3-container"  style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">

    <table class="w3-table-all" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">

    Ive tried with or without (rows, w3-centered, w3-center) - & nothing works, ive added (& not added) the css styles as well.


    This website does not contain any information about reducing the horizontal width or the ability to center a table. (all the examples shown, display a table at 100% of the available width).


    Does anyone here have the ability to add a  few more examples to the site:





  12. Hello. Is this the right place to Discuss W3CSS ? Or is that a separate forum ?

    I am not sure if this is a question, or suggestion - or both.


    I have reviewed the INPUT and the TABLE information in the W3CSS pages, and can not locate the information I am after.

    I am wondering about the correct technique of using tables and forms in ONE.  

    Ive two scenarios in mind.

    ONE: You display a table and EACH row contains its own FORM.

    it contains, text, an input field, and in the 3rd column, its own submit button.  each form sends minimal data to get processed.

    TWO: you have an HTML form, and a table.

    There is ONE Form, with ONE submit button, but it has multiple table rows, containing text, input fields etc..

    Is there an existing tutorial on this ? If not, can one be added to the W3CSS website (and a hyper link to/from the  INPUT and TABLE pages).


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