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Everything posted by CommanderK

  1. With a work-around. I added 'img-responsive' as a class in .thethumb and override the max-width to none. Now it works fine
  2. I'm building some kind of gallery. But I got some problems with the width of an image inside a div. <div class="split right"> <div class="row thumbs"> <div class="row thumb col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"><img src="image.png" class="thethumb"></div> </div> </div> In CSS I got this: .row.thumbs { position: relative; } .row.thumb { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden; height: 200px; } .thehumb { width: 100%; } In this mediascreen I want the div to be 100% in width of the page. And the image 100% of the parent div. For all other mediascreens it works fine (with different widths). Somehow I can't control the width of the image in the mediascreen, it keeps posting the image in full width of the original image I uploaded in Wordpress. What am I doing wrong?
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