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Everything posted by alessiopaoletti

  1. I have an intersection observer for one animation, but i want to use window.requestIdleCallback() Where I should add the code window.requestIdleCallback(callback_1)? my script: if (document.querySelector('#weddings')) { let observer_1; let Element_1; let prevRatio = 0.0; let options = { root: null, rootMargin: "0px", threshold: buildThresholdList() }; // Set things up Element_1 = document.querySelector("#img-1"); initObserver(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function initObserver() { observer_1 = new IntersectionObserver(callback_1, options); observer_1.observe(Element_1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function buildThresholdList() {...} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var gallerySroll_1 = anime({...}); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function callback_1 (entries, observer_1) { entries.forEach((entry) => { if(entry.boundingClientRect.top <= 0 && entry.intersectionRatio != prevRatio){ gallerySroll_1.seek(gallerySroll_1.duration * (entry.intersectionRatio)); }else{ gallerySroll_1.seek(1000); } prevRatio = entry.intersectionRatio; }); } } if I add the code at the start after the if before anything i got the error: TypeError: entries.forEach is not a function callback_1 https://alessiopaolettidesign.it/ph/js/main.js:343
  2. Hello, I'm new, I have realized an animation with Adobe Animate CC in HTML 5 canvas format and now I need help for a snippet code for start/play the animation when it is visible on the browser or vertical pixel and then I'll export it how .oam. the file example: AnimateBar Illustrator.fla thanks for help Illustrator_res.oam AnimateBar Illustrator.html
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