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Everything posted by Matar

  1. Matar

    is this true ?

    hi all can i use if not isstring like if not IsNumeric???i need a function thats can acsept just string values and check if there are any spiecial chr loke (@,#.. etc)i konw its a stupied qaustion!!
  2. hi i mean when i add the dropdown menu inside the table area its will be out of the scoop of the table ,, like this gender : name :...etc i want it like thatname .... etcgender i will try put it after the table tag
  3. Matar

    error '80004005'

    hi i think this error cause the database is not opened form append "write" i think there are anthor way to add data to db its easier from dns-less connection this is the code
  4. hi all thank u all for ur help ,, realy i am very happy cause ur Attention and ur ideaswill i want u to see this script ,, i make the regsteratin action and check action and the addtion to the db in the same page ,, see this code .. will but again i face one small proplem how i can add a dropdown menu to this when i add a dropdown menu its will be out of scoop of the table its will be the first item befor name fieldhow can add it ???thanks all
  5. hiif i make the entering data and checkit and add it to the db in one page the form action what will be ????????
  6. hi man the u give me is work very very good but there are moe problem when the page show the error the other field is cleared why ?for example if the user enter the name correctly and the avg correctly but the schools name invalid ..when he press submit he will see the error msg but the all filed will clear what i should doing ?regards
  7. Matar

    code Required

    hi man in fact i face too many problem with this script and ,, but i solve this proplem before 1 hour this article before i solve the problem thnak u man i think we will be a friends
  8. hi man i write this code in reg.asp and this code in add.asp its work good if u have and extra information in this code ur welcome
  9. Matar

    code Required

    hi i face a big problem and i dont have more time its my graduation project willthe problem is i wrote a validate form code there are 2 page reg.asp its include the form and the action on add.asp add.asp include the form validation code and the adding data code to the db the problem is ,, when the user enter a invalid data he will show a massege tell him enter a correct data but in this time the valid data will transfred to the db .i need a small help with this idea if the user enter a invalid data he will show massege in the same page (reg.asp)and if he enter a correct data he will show a page contain his data and a cofirm button when he press on this button he will add the data to the database and redirect him to thx.asp page . plz help me
  10. hi man thank u very much for this useful idea if u tell me how cause my mind cant understand this step but the prev step work very good plz help me ,, this is a graduation project i dont have more time thx for ur help
  11. hii dont know if you know the asp concepts but i will give a brief intro and the how get data form access data base and displayit in web page the intro here :you must red this page : http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_intro.aspthis is the code you need :
  12. hi i think the charest of english language is 1256 not 1255 try 1256
  13. hi man i use the server variable to validate the form values cause when i make the action to anthor page if the user enter a correct a data he will still in the add.asp page so the user will not confirmed that the regestreation action is completed . this is a simple code*******reg.asp<form name = "form" method "post" action = "add.asp"><input type = "text" name = "user"><input type = "pass" name = "pass"></form>*******add.aspdim userdim pass user = request.form("user")pass = requset.form("pass")if user = "" thenresponse.write("enter the user name")end ifif pass = "" thenresponse.write("enter the password")end ifhere the code of the adding data to the database*********when i use this code if the user enter a correct data he will still in add.aspif you can solve this code i will use this method . thank you
  14. hi i need a code thats post these values to anthor page , the problem i face is the action on the server varible not to anthor page for example not to chk.asp i need a code can post these server varible to anthor page when the user enter a correct data he will show what he enter then i need a submit button thats post the data to anthor page . thx all
  15. hi all i write the following code to validate a form where the chr "?" showen i need a code thats when the user enter a vaild data post his data to a data base the problem is ,, i cant get the form value or i cant make the action of the form on anthor page ,, how i cam post this data to anthor page .
  16. Matar

    form validation

    hi man if there are more than field how the code will be i try your code and it is work prop but when i try for more than field there are too many error a dublicateedthank you
  17. Matar

    form validation

    hi i am trying to validate html form with asp function , so the problem is how i will know which field is empty ,, this is the i wrote ***dim name name = request.form("name")if name = "" thenresponse.redirect = ("error.asp?name_null")end if ********after the user enter the data its will store in database , so i make an add.asp page thats will requset the data from the form like this :<%dim name name = request.form("name")if name = "" thenresponse.write(" Enter Your Name")end if %><%Dim conn Dim rs Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/webdata/atc.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") RS.open "reg",Conn,2,2rs.AddNewrs.Fields("Name") = Request.Form("name")rs.Updaters.CloseSet rs = NothingSet Conn = Nothing%>********with this code the user will Know Where is the Error , but if he Enter a correct dataand press submit he will Redirected to add.asp page and he will still um this page so , he will not redircted to the confirmation page . when i make the code like this <%dim name name = request.form("name")if name = "" thenresponse.write(" Enter Your Name")end if %><%Dim conn Dim rs Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/webdata/atc.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") RS.open "reg",Conn,2,2rs.AddNewrs.Fields("Name") = Request.Form("name")rs.Updaters.CloseSet rs = NothingSet Conn = Nothingresponse.redirct="confirm.asp"%>if the user let the field empty he will redirected To the confirm page and he will think the regesteration is completed . i need a code redircted the user to error page and didcted the empty field .
  18. hi <%for each x in rs.valueif x.value <> "" then response.write("x.vlaue")end ifnext%>
  19. Matar

    Please help!!!

    hi khalidi think u work with local network in the company and global website , so you can istall the iis on your pc in the local network , and one in this network can access your site by for example : http://your pc ip address/index.aspu must take on mind when u work in localhost with localnetwork any one on the network can access the site by this way. finally the network usres can see the local site , thats same the global site on the net matar
  20. hi thanks for your replay but are there any codes thats can take any setting for any screen or any way to take the screen setting
  21. hi i have a web site , the site wok propably with 17inch screen and 1027 x 768 setting of thescreen but when i open my site in the screen with 600 x800 setting or other setting the site is become very bad please help me
  22. Matar

    error while login

    hi to : admin of this section Please remove this topic cause i process this error thank you
  23. Matar

    error while login

    this is the code <%response.cachecontrol = "no-cache"response.expires = -1%><%user=Request.form("user")pass=Request.form("pass")if user = "" then // this is line 18 Response.Redirect("error.asp?error=name_null")elseif pass = "" thenResponse.Redirect ("error.asp?error=pass_null")end if end if Dim conn Dim rs Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/webdata/log.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") sql= "SELECT * FROM stu WHERE user = '" & Request.Form("user") & "' and pass = '" &Request.form("pass")&"'" set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)if rs.eof then response.Redirect ("error.asp?error=Name_Entry")elseif rs("pass") <> pass then response.Redirect ("error.asp?error=pass_Entry") end ifend if%> <table border="1" width="100%"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields%> <% if x.value <>"" then%> <%response.write("<th>" & x.name & "</th>")%> <%end if%><%next%></tr> <%do until rs.EOF%> <tr> <%for each x in rs.Fields%> <% if x.value <>"" then%> <td> <%Response.Write(x.value)&"<br/>"%></td> <%end if%> <%next rs.MoveNext%> </td> <% loopRS.CloseSet RS = nothingConn.CloseSet Conn = nothingsession.abandon%></table><div style="position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; z-index: 2; right: 439px; top: 378px" id="layer2"> </div></body></html>
  24. Matar

    error while login

    hi i make a student login , so when i do it in the localhost it was very good with no error , but when i test it in my hosting i see this error Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005' Header Error /log.asp, line 18 The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page contenplaese help me
  25. Matar

    end session

    i try this code in my log page but when i go back , i see the cannot found pagethe code i mean this Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"Response.Expires = -1how i can load the anthor page that describe you can't go back in fact you give a very very very useful information thank u my friend
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