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Everything posted by Funce

  1. Try using the code block to give yourself some syntax highlighting and easy formatting. Your issue here is your @Model.LocalChecked and @Model.AbroadChecked are on your Label elements. You'll need to put them on your Input elements for them to work correctly. Bootstrap custom radio buttons are re-skinned standard radio buttons. As noted in your code. Corrected code below: <div class="custom-control custom-radio custom-control-inline @Model.LocalActive"> <input type="radio" class="custom-control-input @Model.LocalActive" id="customRadio" name="example" value="Local" @Model.LocalChecked> <label class="custom-control-label SIHGYellow @Model.LocalActive" for="customRadio">Local</label> </div> <div class="custom-control custom-radio custom-control-inline @Model.AbroadActive"> <input type="radio" class="custom-control-input @Model.AbroadActive" id="customRadio2" name="example" value="Abroad" @Model.AbroadChecked> <label class="custom-control-label SIHGYellow @Model.AbroadActive" for="customRadio2">Abroad</label> </div>
  2. If this is supposed to be run on a server, have you got Node.js set up on your computer? Node runs Javascript.
  3. In the example linked, you would need to change the classes from w3-third to w3-quarter. https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_responsive.asp
  4. Good find! At the bottom of the page you can find a button that says "Report Error" If you include the details of the problem, that will alert the developers, and allow them to easily find and fix it.
  5. Good catch! On the bottom of that page there should be a button that says "Report Error". Press that, and include these details, and that should alert the developers to it.
  6. Hi Nick, If you're using <input type="radio"> You just need to add the attribute checked to the input you want selected by default. <input type="radio" checked="checked" />
  7. Hi there, This actually seems like a browser feature. I just checked my other browsers and they have different behaviours for how they treat image requests. Edge takes the image, top right corner, as if the image was the only thing on the page. Chrome, Opera and Firefox centres the image and darkens the rest of the screen to see the image easier.
  8. Funce

    w3 css - max width

    Hi mg19, For this I would recommend having a look at AJAX. You might be able to apply some things from the tutorial below. https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_ajax_intro.asp
  9. This is a little bit vague to offer any suggestions. I'm not quite sure what you're asking here. The second half looks like it can be described as such SELECT Track.TrackId, Track.Name, Track.Milliseconds FROM Track JOIN PlaylistTrack ON (Track.TrackId=PlaylistTrack.TrackId) JOIN Playlist ON (PlaylistTrack.PlaylistId=Playlist.PlaylistId) WHERE Playlist.Name = 'Frank\'s Stuff' That's probably because you can't ORDER BY an UPDATE statement. UPDATE doesn't return a resulting set to ORDER BY. Its a command like INSERT or DELETE.
  10. In this example, you are the system administrator of your own system. Have you tried the instructions in the link?
  11. Hi there, I wouldn't recommend attempting to use the browser functions for printing webpages. They were definitely made for old websites in mind. You may get more luck out of an extension which takes screenshots of the page. To answer your question: You're looking for this element <div class="sticky-wrapper" style=""> Its a mobile advertising banner.
  12. Good Catch! Whichever page you've got these try-its from, there's a button at the bottom of the page that says "Submit Error" which will alert the w3school staff to fix it. Just make sure you include the details you've specified here.
  13. Pardon? ...Try looking at our JavaScript tutorial and see if that can help you understand.
  14. Forgive me, but doesn't that tutorial do exactly as you've described? What happened when you tried it?
  15. Funce

    Web Hosting

    Paid web hosting can be pretty good at under $100USD a year. Nothing to scoff at. Try to get a webhost which has webservers in the area of your target audience. This is pretty important. Make sure that your webhost has the features you want. My webhost has Git integration, Website Statistics, SSL Certificates, Subdomains and <24Hr response time for Support. These are features I wanted. Feel what works, and don't be afraid to switch if it doesn't.
  16. Ouch, Yeah you'll need to be careful here. Make sure you check out the documentation surrounding both ASP.NET Web Pages 3.2, and ASP.NET Core 2.1 but otherwise, my quoted answer will work for you, as that was in reference to asp.net core 2.1
  17. Its possible its a computer issue. But I don't believe there's an issue in your code specifically. Maybe there's a bug with the plugin on Safari. Mac's aren't exactly the favoured operating system in the tech space.
  18. It doesn't happen all the time, you say. Is there anything you can do that makes it do it all the time? There wouldn't be anything wrong with your code if you can't. This doesn't seem like a program error. Check for console errors. Can you resize the window to make sure it's not a screen-draw error?
  19. If this is exactly what you wrote, then you'd have a problem. An example of proper syntax for an <a> tag is as follows. <a href="contact-page.html">Contact Us!</a> Also, that would only create a link to another page, it wouldn't display an image or anything. You might be looking for the <img> tag. Proper syntax as follows. <img src="kitty-cat.png" /> May I suggest including an example of your code. It will be more helpful than guessing how exactly you've done something.
  20. Hi there, do you know which version of ASP.NET you're using? The tutorials use a specific version, details below:
  21. Its regrettable to say, but unfortunately PHP code is run, evaluated and removed before it leaves the web server. And because JavaScript only runs on the Client machines, there's no chance that JavaScript and PHP can interact beyond a server communication method. All you're sending to the browser is function saveTheValue(theSID){ ; } If you wish to access data that's in your PHP (or set things in your PHP), you'll need to make an xmlHTTPrequest to do so.
  22. Between beginPath and stroke is a single line as if you were holding the pen down on a piece of paper. You're going to need to put each arc between different beginPath and stroke function calls.
  23. Here's the button for the code blocks. My_MathSummary can't be recognised because you're not passing it to your SummaryFunction. function SummaryFunction(add_to, demo, My_MathSummary) <button onclick="SummaryFunction(add_to, My_MathSummary)">Show summary</button> There's a bit of a discrepancy there in how many parameters you've got.
  24. For this, I would define an associative array with the card number/letters as Keys, and the change to the count as Values. Then I'd just iterate through the card input, pulling out the values of the aforementioned associative array, and compare the final value, and bet or hold accordingly.
  25. This was a great puzzle to work out! But would something like this work out for you? SELECT t1.`id`, t1.c1, t1.`total`, if(t2.rowId = t1.rowId, t2.`id`, null) as id, if(t2.rowId = t1.rowId, t2.c2, null) as c2, if(t2.rowId = t1.rowId, t2.`total`, null) as total FROM (SELECT @i:=@i+1 AS rowId, `id` as id, `categories` as c1, `total` as total FROM extable17, (SELECT @i:=-1) a ) AS t1, (SELECT @j:=@j+1 AS rowId, `id` as id, `categories` AS c2, `total` as total FROM extable18, (SELECT @j:=-1) a ORDER BY c2 ASC ) AS t2 WHERE t1.rowId % @j = t2.rowId Given that there are more records in t1 than t2 this will hold.
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