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Posts posted by Max21

  1. Hello,

    I am Max and new here. sorry for the spelling but my English is not so good.

    I create a website in php.

    after logging in I will go to the "Home.pgp".


    Now I do not want to show all navagation buttons for certain level users on the home page.

    how can I do this best?

    have already tried everything but do not get out of it.


    I have a sql database with username, password and level (admin / user / service)

    this is my code from the home page in which I enter the username of the login

    call :





    // Include config file

    require_once 'config.php';


    // Initialize the session




    // If session variable is not set it will redirect to login page

    if(!isset($_SESSION['gebruikersnaam']) || empty($_SESSION['gebruikersnaam'])){

    header("location: Index.php");







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    Welkom <b><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['gebruikersnaam']); ?></b></span><br>


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    I want to thank you for the help!

    this is something purely as a hobby and not commercial that I do this

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