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Posts posted by AndreasB

  1. Hi all!I guess I am posting in the right forum.I have a form on my webpage.There are several radiobuttons on the page.I have by default set my SUBMIT button to disabled.Now, how do I code a javascript that changes the status from DISABLED to ENABLED for my SUBMIT button once a RADIOBUTTON is choosen?Thankful for any kind of help!Sincerely, Andreas

  2. I thank you so much guys for your replies!I will check them out and see what I can do with them.justsomeguy, as I read the code you have pasted, it is used to verify if the username exist by also providing a password. Almost as a "login" scenario if I understand it?What I am after, is to be able to search the whole Active Directory after a specific UserID (UserAccount) or perhaps search for a e-mail address. And depending on a hit or not, a response will be taken based on that feedback.Thanks again!--Andreas

  3. Hi all!I am about to create a ASP webpage where people are about to request for UserAccounts in a Active Directory Domain. I would like to performe a lookup if the UserAccount already exists in the AD.Does anyone know how I could performe this with ASP?Thankful to any kind of help or reference.Best regards,Andreas

  4. I want to access specific data from the XML file but it doesn't seem to work...

    So what exactly is the problem if there is a premade application which would transform this XML data into an XHTML table?

  5. Hi!I'm very new to XML so please bare with me.I have an XML file which has been autogenerated with a program called nmap (ie. used for scanning vounerability on your network).Now, I've read and tried the page where you can BIND XML and create the selected contents in a TABLE to be outputted on a HTML page.Now, I tried the same with the XML file that had been generated with nmap, but I see that there seems to be a problem and I believe it has to do with that the fieldnames contain spaces. I have pasted below a short example from the XML file for you to review.

    <host><status state="up" /><address addr="" addrtype="ipv4" /><hostnames><hostname name="computer01" type="PTR" /></hostnames><ports><extraports state="filtered" count="1667" />

    The above is just a short cutout of the whole file.Thankful for any kind of help!Best regards,Andreas

  6. Hi there!I thank you for your help, but unfortunately it didn't solve my problem!I was informed that some browers doesn't print the "DIV-tag" if there is no content in the DIV, but I've filled the DIV's with text without any better results anyhow.Anyone else got any suggestions?Thanks!!-Andreas

    Perhaps it's becuase you have your background-attachment to fixed, if the image you are using is too small it will not show until you scroll past a certain point. The no-repeat attribute might also complicate things. Also it might be better to set all your properties into one decloration like so:
    background: #000000 url(imgs/ctr.jpg) no-repeat fixed;

    Hope that helps out some.

  7. Hi all you CSS Gurus!I need help, becuase I can not find WHERE I'm going wrong!I have created a webpage (see theWebpage) where the whole page is designed using the DIV-tag and the positioning.Now, to my issue. In Internet Explorer everything looks just GREAT!But when viewing the page with FireFox, some of the backgrounds in some of the DIV's wont show up!I think and think what can be wrong, and now I'm looking for your help, who view the inserts on this FORUM.I have verified the CSS code with W3C CSS Validation page and it appeared to be OK!This is how my CSS skript looks like:

    /* THIS IS THE CASCADING STYLESHEET FOR REVYMAKARNA.SE */body {	background-color: #000000;	margin: 0px;	padding: 0px;	color: #ffffff;	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size: 11px;	font-weight: normal;}/*	SOME DEFINITIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING PURPOSE	CTL = Curtain Top Left	CTM = Curtain Top Middle	CTR = Curtain Top Right	CCL = Curtain Center Left	CCR = Curtain Center Right*/div#CTL {	position: absolute;	top: 0px;	left: 0px;	width: 138px;	height: 220px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #000000;	background-image: url(imgs/ctl.jpg);	background-repeat: repeat-y;	background-attachment: fixed;	}#CTM {	position: absolute;	top: 0px;	left: 138px;	width: 744px;	height: 138px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #000000;	background-image: url(imgs/ctm.jpg);	background-repeat: repeat-x;	background-attachment: fixed;}#CTR {	position: absolute;	top: 0px;	left: 882px;	width: 138px;	height: 220px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #000000;	background-image: url(imgs/ctr.jpg);	background-repeat: repeat-y;	background-attachment: fixed;}#CCL {	position: absolute;	top: 220px;	left: 0px;	width: 138px;	height: 376px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #000000;	background-image: url(imgs/ccl.jpg);	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-attachment: fixed;}#CCR {	position: absolute;	top: 220px;	left: 882px;	width: 138px;	height: 376px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #000000;	background-image: url(imgs/ccr.jpg);	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-attachment: fixed;}#menu {	position: absolute;	top: 145px;	left: 140px;	width: 740px;	height: 20px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #222222;}#main {	position: absolute;	top: 166px;	left: 140px;	width: 740px;	height: 420px;	z-index: auto;	background-color: #ffffdd;}

    Anyone who can help me out?!THANKS 4 any kind of help!--Andreas

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