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Everything posted by Sabrine

  1. Sabrine

    php code

    I got these codes from someone and it looks different from w3school course. What's the difference? Connection: <?php /* to avoid writing code to connect to the db in each file: 1-write the DB connexion code in a php file e.g: dbLogin.php 2-call that php file when needed with include e.g: include ('dbLogin.php') or include 'dbLogin.php' There are also include_once, require and require_once which can be used instead of include */ $conn=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","registration"); if (!$conn) { die("connexion failed".mysqli_connect_error()); } ?> Construct list <?php // Construct School Name list from the database $request="SELECT school_name FROM school "; $result=mysqli_query($conn,$request); $option=''; while($line=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $option.= "<option value=\"".$line['school_name']."\">".$line['school_name']."</option>"; } ?> Displaying list : <?php //Display the Students details(Student NCN First Name Last Name City Name School Name) $req="select student_cin, first_name, last_name, city_name, school_name from student, school, city where student.postal_code=city.postal_code and student.school_id=school.school_id"; $res = mysqli_query($conn,$req); if(mysqli_num_rows($res)>0) { while ($line=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { echo"<tr> <td>".$line['student_cin']. "</td><td>".$line['first_name']."</td><td>". $line['last_name']."</td><td>".$line['city_name']. "</td><td>".$line['school_name']."</td></tr>"; } } else { echo"no results found"; } ?> Closing <?php mysqli_close($conn); ?> ADD or EDIT if(!empty($_POST['Student_ID']) AND !empty($_POST['FN']) AND !empty($_POST['LN']) AND !empty($_POST['city'])AND !empty($_POST['school'])) { $FN=$_POST['FN']; $Student_ID=$_POST['Student_ID']; $LN=$_POST['LN']; $city_n=$_POST['city']; $school_n=$_POST['school']; //We assume that the school_name and city_name entered in the form already exist in the tables school and city //get the city postal code $qc="SELECT postal_code FROM city WHERE city_name='$city_n'"; $rc=mysqli_query($conn,$qc); if (mysqli_num_rows($rc) == 1) { $line=mysqli_fetch_assoc($rc); $city_c=$line['postal_code']; } //get the school postal code $qs="SELECT school_id FROM school WHERE school_name='$school_n'"; $rs=mysqli_query($conn,$qs); if (mysqli_num_rows($rs) == 1) { $line=mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs); $school_c=$line['school_id']; } // SQL query $query="SELECT student_cin FROM student WHERE student_cin='$Student_ID'"; $result=mysqli_query($conn,$query); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) { $req="INSERT INTO student VALUES('$Student_ID','$FN','$LN','$city_c','$school_c')"; $res=mysqli_query($conn,$req); //if the insertion is done echo "<br> res= ".$res." "; if ($res) { echo "insertion successful"; } else echo "Problem when inserting student ". mysqli_error($conn); } else { $request="update student SET first_name='$FN',last_name='$LN',postal_code='$city_c', school_id='$school_c' WHERE student_cin='$Student_ID'"; $res=mysqli_query($conn,$request); //if the update is done if ($res) { echo "student updated";} // else else echo "problem updating student". mysqli_error($conn); } } else echo"<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('Please fill the form!')</script>"; header('location: index.php'); ?> REMOVE : $sc=$_POST['SC_name']; //get the school id $reqid="select school_id from school where school_name='$sc'"; $resid=mysqli_query($conn,$reqid); $line=mysqli_fetch_assoc($resid); $sid=$line['school_id']; echo 'school id'. $sid. '<br>'; //delete students from that school $reqs="delete from student where school_id='$sid'"; $ress=mysqli_query($conn,$reqs); if ($ress) { echo "student deleted"; } // else else echo "problem deleting student". mysqli_error($conn); //delete school now $req1="delete from school where school_name='$sc'"; $res1=mysqli_query($conn,$req1); if ($res1) { echo "school deleted";} // else else echo "problem deleting school". mysqli_error($conn); header('location: index.php');
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