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  1. no, its field name/id of my form.. Sorry for bad knowledge in programming....:(
  2. Guys help me please, check if my code can work properly... <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> function qtycheck() { if (qty_1.value > qtyact_1.value) { qty_1.value=00 qtyactc_1.value = "Stock Alert" document.getElementById("qtyactc_1").style.backgroundColor = "#FF4533"; return false; } else { qtyactc_1.value = "" } } else { if (qty_2.value > qtyact_2.value){ qty_2.value=00 qtyactc_2.value = "Stock Alert" document.getElementById("qtyactc_2").style.backgroundColor = "#FF4533"; return false; } else { qtyactc_2.value = "" } //--> </script>
  3. Thanks for the reply "justsomeguy" let me test.. Please comments on the second option as well... var A = "qty_'+row_id+'".value; var B = "qtyact_'+row_id+'".value; above code is fine? while I have multiple line to call.. Sorry for my bad programming knowledge
  4. Code with Single/First Line is working fine (below) with below code. But after modification for multiple rows... my knowledge and even google is not able to help me :):) <script type="text/javascript"> function qtycheck() { var l = qty_1.value; var h = qtyact_1.value; //alert("hi " + h + " lo " + l); if (l > h) { qty_1.value=0 alert("not allowed"); } else { alert("OK"); } } </script>
  5. I want when this function called by a button onchange, number in "qty" must not be greater then the number in "qtyact" if its greater then this will show the error... Here we have multiple rows.. Sorry I am just a beginner and found this Inventory Source Code from the web.. and found a missing very important validation. Thanks in Advance..
  6. <script type="text/javascript"> function qtycheck() { var l = "qty_'+row_id+'".val; var h = "qtyact_value_'+row_id+'".val; //alert("hi " + h + " lo " + l); if (l > h) { qty_1.value=0 alert("not allowed"); } else { alert("ok, i'll allow it"); } } </script>
  7. <script type="text/javascript"> function qtycheck() { var A = "qty_'+row_id+'".value; var B = "qtyact_'+row_id+'".value; if (A = or > B) { "qty_'+row_id+'".value=0 alert("not allowed"); } else { alert("OK"); } } </script>
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