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About Stelian

  • Birthday 06/21/1996

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  1. I accidentally made another topic of this problem and In it I show my code with local storage. It works but it does not save after reload. Link to the other topic
  2. Hello, I am trying to make website with inclusive design for my homework and I have three functions that are changing the text size, text style and site color theme, but I can not save the changes after I reload the page. This is my code for changing the text size: localStorage.setItem('z', '1'); function size() { if (localStorage.getItem('z')=="1"){ txt = document.getElementById("a").style.fontSize = "25px"; localStorage.removeItem("z"); localStorage.setItem('z', '2'); } else if (localStorage.getItem('z')=="2") { txt = document.getElementById("a").style.fontSize = "30px"; localStorage.removeItem("z"); localStorage.setItem('z', '3'); } else { txt = document.getElementById("a").style.fontSize = "20px"; localStorage.removeItem("z"); localStorage.setItem('z', '1'); } } The code in my html is this: <body onload="size()"> <button type="button" " onclick="size();">Change Text Size</button> <div id='a'>Some text</div> </body> I believe I can make the other two function save their changes If I see how to make this one. Thank you !
  3. Hello, I made some buttons with functions to change text size and style also another button to change site theme, but I can not make them save after I go to the next page or after I reload the page. I want to use local storage but I don't know if it is possible. Here is my project: https://github.com/Stelian1996/projects-folder
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