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Everything posted by chaigarden

  1. Hello, I am trying to use this parallax in my header, and I'm not sure what css/HTML to use. The webpage I want to add it to is chaigardenshop.com and I want it to look like the parallax I created on this page: chaigardenshop.com/home with the scrolling effect, and the white cursive font overlay. Below is the HTML I created using a plugin. Is there an easy way to implement it into the header of my website? Thanks in advance. [nk_awb awb_type="image" awb_stretch="true" awb_image="331" awb_image_size="full" awb_image_background_size="cover" awb_image_background_position="50% 50%" awb_parallax="scroll-opacity" awb_parallax_speed="0.5" awb_parallax_mobile="true" awb_styles=" padding-top: 150px; padding-bottom: 150px;"] <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 30pt; color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-family: Chai Garden Cursive Font;"> Authentic, Organic Chai with a Hint of Healing Herbs</span></span></p> [/nk_awb]
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