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Everything posted by Throwaway123131414

  1. Hi, I was playing around with my website and I was trying to make a semi-transparent footer This is the code I used for the footer <footer class="footer galaxy-footer"> <div class="content has-text-centered"> <p> <script src="js/copyright.js"> </script>© 2018-2020, <strong>Company.</strong> </p> </div> </footer> And this is my css .galaxy-footer { background-color: rgba(25, 25, 25, .5); color: var(--white); // #ffffff } .galaxy-footer strong { color: var(--white); } The other classes are Bulma's classes and they seems not to be the issues What I get is an half transparent footer and a grey bar, which is the part that is not displayed when the page loads because the content pushes the footer down Is this a known issue or did I forget something?
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