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  1. Filip

    System shop

    Sorry! Hello, someone would help me write the code to create a list of servers with a mysql database and work them in a file / store /, and when I click, e.g. SkyBlock, take me to / store / SkyBlock, and then, just like I'm in the tab skyblock, gets a list of services and eg display Vip etc. and there is a button, and when I click this button, it opens a small modal and I write "Test" I am begging you for help !!!
  2. Filip

    Creation of php code

    Hey! I need a php code for a form with variables, i.e. in https://ip.com/admin.php I have a form which has one input field and one toggle swith field "https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_switch.asp "and I would like to enter, for example," Test page! "in the input field then in the index.php file I write to me this text which is entered in the input field or "Test page!", and toggle swith if it is off, then the text in index.php does not show, e.g. I do not show "TEST" and if it is on I show it.
  3. Filip

    System shop

    Witam, ktoś pomógłby mi napisać kod, aby utworzyć listę serwerów z bazą danych mysql i działać je w pliku / sklepie /, a kiedy kliknę, np. SkyBlock, zabierze mnie do / sklepu / SkyBlock, a dalej, tak jak ja jestem w zakładce skyblock, pobiera listę usług i np. wyświetlić Vip itp. i jest przycisk, a kiedy klikam ten przycisk, otwiera mały modal i piszę „Test” Błagam cię o pomoc !!!
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