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Bill F

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Everything posted by Bill F

  1. Yes I want the same sidebar on each page. The trouble is when I click on a link the new page,  takes over the whole screen and I loose the side bar. Also loose the header! I have tried copying the example several times but get the same outcome.

  2. Bill F

    Bill F

    Hi I like the website layout in the responsive example using css3 Collapsible Responsive Side Navigation https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/tryit.asp?filename=tryw3css_sidebar_hide&stacked=h However, when downloaded the example to my computer and when replacing the "#" in Link with a real filename and when clicking on the link, it opens the link in a new window/screen and hides the initial screen. Seem to have the same problem with the other examples. I got around this problem using <iframe> but this is messy and confusing as it gives two scrollbars. What am I missing?
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