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Alexander Yeshua

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Everything posted by Alexander Yeshua

  1. <p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/alexander.absp"><input onclick="reg()" type="button" img src="source.ico" value="click for be dishonest"/></a></p>
  2. the animations suppose for be like animate:"down" and those with <a href="#"> are using dream weaver... i use notepad... so, not sure about your <a href="item"> untidy net writer type... https://www.pnotepad.org/ sorry for the 'bad communications' style when i write...hahaha sample of 'unprofessionality' hahahaha homepage (4).html
  3. use the dropDownMenu Functions... get the library first.... then you may use the functions... then it should be like (goto:'DropDownMenu'=['1'];['2']); and others... then rename the '1';'2' and others menu drop down...
  4. ahhh... just use htm format... <button> part just add <img src="localanything.ico"/> for submit button func and others...
  5. you mean the hta access key? and registered id? if the public domain, then it should be like 'registered' form that string and -print log from the users log in activity.... why would you want for track any activity from users?weird
  6. set your asp net and iis... lol?
  7. wrong, who need <?php> it just webconfig, not a greate writing for web management folder contain webconfig
  8. why not? FOR IMAGE BROWSING, DAMN, THAT WAS LONG <!DOCTYPE HTM> <head> <title>PHP File Upload</title> </head> <body> <?php> <input aria-label="Add Photo or Video" accept="video/*, video/x-m4v, video/webm, video/x-ms-wmv, video/x-msvideo, video/3gpp, video/flv, video/x-flv, video/mp4, video/quicktime, video/mpeg, video/ogv, .ts, .mkv, image/*, image/heic, image/heif" multiple="" display="inline" role="button" tabindex="0" type="file" class="_n _5f0v" id="js_bj" style="user-select: auto;" </?> </body> </htm> </!DOCTYPE htm> also, just use script, start that: php.opendir.exe PHP.OPENDIR.exe
  9. you mean? like: <scipt> <form ioinput="Input" input type="text" Click="submit" /form> </script> but also, here, a php open dir for you guys... so, for open dir, just need for start the .exe come on, just speak beliefe... it just asp PHP.OPENDIR.exe
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