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Víctor Pan

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Everything posted by Víctor Pan

  1. I have changed the code, because it happens to me before with another code. The thing is my code is aparently ok but when you fill the form and send it the e-mail is not sent. Any idea, please? Thank you. I Attach the code and the html page. My web site is http://victorpan.com/contacto.html contacto.php correo.php
  2. I have changed the code, because it happens to me before with another code. The thing is my code is aparently ok but when you fill the form and send it the e-mail is not sent. Any idea, please? Thank you. I Attach the code and the html page. My web site is http://victorpan.com/contacto.html contacto.html correo.php
  3. Thank you I don't understand anything hahaha so I'm gonna study php hard that's what I think I should do, and when I get some knowledge about it I suppose I will understand something. Thanks.
  4. I have a php code for a form but I don't know how to use it I started reading about php but still don't understand it. So when I use the code on the hosting my nav says the form is already sent so i had to stop using it. What should i do to receive e-mails from my form on my website. The fact is I even don't know if i put the code on the right place. Thank you very much!!!!! My website is http://www.victorpan.com/ I also attach the file with the code I want to use as a coment inside the code.contacto.php
  5. thanks i noticed it finally but I don't know how to erase my post, ty very much
  6. I think I've finished my first web but I don't know how to make links from nav menu work and i don't know how to make links from my footer work. Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong or where can I read the solution. Thanks. Curriculum Víctor.zip
  7. http://thank you very much
  8. Víctor Pan

    Layout problem

    I'm trying to give to my nav and my aside tags 70% height but it doesn't work. Please help me, it's beeing very difficult for me layingout my page, i don't even know how to layout pictures can someone give a hint, or a place where i can read it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I ATACH MY CSS AND HTML FILES. style.css index.html
  9. Thank you very much i have to change my glasses because i can't see properly. Trank you very much!!!!!
  10. Hello, I’m a beginner and I’m trying to link my html file with my css file. Mi css file is inside a folder called css, in the same folder that the html file. I’ve written in the head of my html file: <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”css/styles”> But the thing is I can not change my tags background colors neither nav, neither footer, content… I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but maybe you can help with that. Thank you. estilos.css index.html
  11. Thank you very much, it was a silly thing but it was driving me crazzy. Now it works. 🙂
  12. Hello, I’m trying to learn how to créate a webpage on html. My first Project is my curriculum vitae. But wen I open the html browsers only show the alternative text (alt) but not the picture. I’ve tried with: Chrome, Explorer, Opera and Mozilla and none of them show the picture. So I probed with a very simple website, just with the image command. An I have the same problem, browsers don't show the image, they only show the alternative text. This is the html code: <htlm> <body> <img src="mario.jpeg" alt="Foto Mario"> </body> </html> And the picture name’s is mario.jpeg, and is jpeg format and in the same folder that the html file. I’ve try in my mobile phone and in a friend's computer, and the result is the same I attatche a screen shot below this If you can help me it would be great, THANK YOU!!!! consultaforo.zip
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