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Everything posted by robthewildman

  1. I really need some help here. I'm trying to write a program in ASP/JavaScript that will read and list all the files in the current directory. Like for example in BASIC I would type the command, DIR. This is what I found. but I am confused --- var fs = require('fs'); var files = fs.readdirSync('/assets/photos/'); require??? Never heard of it before. it appears they're trying to make an object. But wouldn't that be an object of type directory? Can you help me out please?
  2. I really need some help here. I'm trying to write a Computer Program in ASP/JavaScript that will read and list all the files in the current directory. Like for example in BASIC I would type the command, DIR. robchristiansen2@gmail.com Rob Christiansen Var fs = require('fs'); var files = fs.readdirSync('/assets/photos/'); require??? Never heard of it before. it appears they're trying to make an object. wouldn't that be an object of type directory, or something like that? I get error messages saying, "Object doesn't support this Property or method.”
  3. I have been programming in ASP (JavaScript) for about 20 years, and have been repeatedly frustrated because when I enter data (for example with textarea) and then click submit, I am limited how much data I can pass at any one time before the system overloads and crashes. (Maybe the URL window crashes.) I think I heard in the past there was a way to remedy this problem. I think I might have even done it on an earlier machine, I just can't recall. Can you help me out? I know you won't just come out and show me how to do it, but if you could just please point me in the right direction I might be able to figure it out. Is there something I can read? I should point out here that I have a Google Chromebook computer (ChromeOS) if that makes a difference.
  4. This is all so very frustrating - embarrassing! A simple little thing like string length, and I can't get it to work. Could you please help me? Here is the program below. I'm using classic asp / JavaScript. ------------------------- <%@ Language=JavaScript %> <HTML> <HEAD> <! http://ccs2468.com/test.asp > </HEAD> <% var str = "hello world"; strlen = str.length(); //← line 29 Response.Write("str= "+ str +" strlen= "+ strlen +" <br>" ); %> </body> </HTML> //This is the error message I get. Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a138a' Function expected /test.asp, line 29
  5. Okay, here's what I found. You can copy This code and paste it and try it. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> enlarge commands </TITLE> </HEAD> * Large radio buttons: <input type="radio" name="actionn" value= "savedoc" style="height:20px; width:20px; vertical-align: middle;" CHECKED > <p> * Large check boxes: <input type="checkbox" name="actionn" value= "backup" style="height:20px; width:20px; vertical-align: middle;" > <p> <style> input, textarea { font-size: 3em;} </style> <textarea name="Edited" > Large textarea boxes </textarea> <p> <input type="text" name= "selectstring" value="Large text boxes" size= 15 > </BODY> </HTML>
  6. I'm programming in classic asp / JavaScript. Okay, I have a screen full of *.mdb Records. Each record is designated by a radio button. I click a record button and then click Another radio button to tell The computer what to do with it, and then click submit. Instead of all that, I would like to just click that record and then press a key, like F6 for edit, F4 for move, F10 for delete, Etc. At the present time all I have to do is just press enter to activate a function that is default, but that's only one function. Just point me in the right direction and I'll figure it out.
  7. I’m going to need some help navigating your website. For example, I recently went in there to find out about the File object and its members. I couldn't find a thing - Simple little thing like that. Can you help me out? Is there a book or article or something I can read? 😊
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