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Everything posted by Maxilboss93

  1. I have a problem with .load() of jquery, or use of frame; I need to load in a div a page that loads its data dynamically through javascript, in particular I have my html page which through a js in a function uses the .load of jquery: this is an example of my problem: <!doctype html> <html lang="it"> <head> <script defer class="sezioni"></script> <script src="assets/js/jquery.js"></script> <!--META--> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style> div#ese_div_book { position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; background: midnightblue; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="ese_div_book" class="ese_button ese_quiz ese_colorBT2"> <img id="ese_book" class="myButton" src="assets/img/Bt_Book.svg"> </div> <div id="contenitore_libro" style="position: fixed;width: 100%;height:100%;top: 0%;left: 0%;z-index: 999999999;visibility: hidden;"> <iframe id="frame" src="" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"> </iframe> <button id="button_book" class="ese_button ese_quiz ese_colorBT1 ese_norm" style="visibility: hidden;position: fixed;top: 95%;width: 5%;height: 5%;left: 95%;background-color: lightskyblue;"> <img id="ese_back" class="myButton" src="assets/img/menu/IndietroW.svg"> </button> </div> </body> <script> $("#ese_div_book").click(function() { $("#contenitore_libro").css("visibility", "visible"); $("#button_book").css("visibility", "visible"); // console.log("ARRIVA VALORE", _nQuest); $("#frame").attr("src", "../librohtml/index.html?id=" + _nQuest.Libro3 + "&=yes&lis=AB"); }); $("#button_book").click(function() { $(this).css("visibility", "hidden"); $("#contenitore_libro").css("visibility", "hidden"); return false }) </script> </html> with Frame not function correctly in Apple device; if I try to use the .load() of jquery not load the div sezioni that was a js loaded dinamically by <script defer class="sezioni"></script> and other file .js, Any ideas to load the page in a div with all his js??
  2. $conn = myDB::open(); $sql="SELECT `Id`,`Blocco`,`Libro3` FROM `quiz` WHERE `listato` LIKE 'AB1' ORDER BY `quiz`.`Libro3` ASC"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $xml=simplexml_load_file("NQM2016.1.XML"); $array=json_encode($xml); This is my PHP Code for extracting data but now how can i do to modify the "Libro3" data in XML?
  3. I have a problem with an XML file that has the following structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <DATAPACKET Version="2.0"> <METADATA><FIELDS> <FIELD attrname="Id" fieldtype="i4" readonly="true" SUBTYPE="Autoinc"/> <FIELD attrname="Blocco" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Domanda" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="2"/> <FIELD attrname="Risposta" fieldtype="boolean"/> <FIELD attrname="Capitolo" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="2"/> <FIELD attrname="Indice" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="3"/> <FIELD attrname="Argomento" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="1"/> <FIELD attrname="SubArgomento" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="2"/> <FIELD attrname="Figura" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="4"/> <FIELD attrname="FiguraBlk" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="4"/> <FIELD attrname="Difficolta" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="2"/> <FIELD attrname="Testo" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="320"/> <FIELD attrname="Lingua1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="320"/> <FIELD attrname="Lingua2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="320"/> <FIELD attrname="Lingua3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="320"/> <FIELD attrname="Commento" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="256"/> <FIELD attrname="Aiuto" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="128"/> <FIELD attrname="Foto1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Foto2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Foto3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Foto4" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Foto5" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Video1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Edl1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="15"/> <FIELD attrname="Video2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Edl2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="15"/> <FIELD attrname="Video3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Edl3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="15"/> <FIELD attrname="Audio1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="12"/> <FIELD attrname="Audio2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="12"/> <FIELD attrname="Audio3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="12"/> <FIELD attrname="Html1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Html2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Html3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/><FIELD attrname="Libro1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Libro1PosY" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Libro2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Libro2PosY" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Libro3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Libro3PosY" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="5"/> <FIELD attrname="Info1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="120"/> <FIELD attrname="Info2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="120"/> <FIELD attrname="Gruppo1" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="3"/> <FIELD attrname="Gruppo2" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="3"/> <FIELD attrname="Gruppo3" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="3"/> </FIELDS><PARAMS AUTOINCVALUE="7166"/></METADATA> <ROWDATA> <ROW Id="2" Blocco="11023" Domanda="02" Risposta="TRUE" Capitolo="01" Indice="A01" Argomento="A" SubArgomento="1" Figura="" FiguraBlk="" Difficolta="6" Testo="I ciclomotori possono avere due o tre ruote" Lingua1="Les motocycles légers peuvent avoir deux ou trois roues" Lingua2="Kleinkrafträder können zwei oder drei Räder haben" Lingua3="I ciclomotori possono avere due o tre ruote" Commento="infatti i CICLOMOTORI possono avere DUE, TRE e anche QUATTRO RUOTE, cilindrata fino a 50 cm³ e velocità fino a 45 km/h." Aiuto="Classificazione dei veicoli." Foto1="3113" Foto2="" Foto3="" Foto4="" Foto5="" Video1="" Video2="" Video3="" Audio1="04023_40231" Audio2="" Audio3="" Html1="" Html2="" Html3="" Libro1="1" Libro2="1" Libro3="" Info1="11023" Info2="Ciclomotori"/> <ROW Id="3" Blocco="11023" Domanda="03" Risposta="TRUE" Capitolo="01" Indice="A01" Argomento="A" SubArgomento="1" Figura="" FiguraBlk="" Difficolta="5" Testo="Non tutti i veicoli a motore a due ruote vengono classificati ciclomotori" Lingua1="Pas tous les véhicules à moteur à deux roues peuvent être classifiés des motocycles légers" Lingua2="Nicht alle zweirädrigen Kraftfahrzeuge werden als Kleinkrafträder eingestuft" Lingua3="Non tutti i veicoli a motore a due ruote vengono classificati ciclomotori" Commento="infatti vengono CLASSIFICATI CICLOMOTORI solo i veicoli a DUE RUOTE con CILINDRATA NON SUPERIORE a 50 cm³ e VELOCITÀ NON SUPERIORE a 45 km/h." Aiuto="Classificazione dei veicoli." Foto1="1238" Foto2="" Foto3="" Foto4="" Foto5="" Video1="" Video2="" Video3="" Audio1="04023_40232" Audio2="" Audio3="" Html1="" Html2="" Html3="" Libro1="1" Libro2="1" Libro3="" Info1="11023" Info2="Ciclomotori"/> it continues with this structure but it is very long. How can I do from my SQL DB to extract a data ("Libro3") to insert it inside every occurrence of ''Libro3' of XML file? In my sql to recognize the line to be modified I have Id,Blocco, Libro3 obviously, but i don t know how i can modify the file. to recognize the line to be modified on the sql I have line, id and block
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