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  1. ok i've made an iframe and when i click into it i want the bg to be semi-transparent w/ the new pages bg transparent so it will show thru to the bg. and no matter what i try it doesnt work. so it gets really confusing. also whats the difference between frames and iframes.basically, i want to know how to make a bg of an iframe semi-transparent while the new pages bg is transparent. and also how to create the bg of one cell of a table into semi-transparent. its urgent so plz help.
  2. FLY_dansa


    i am currently working on a school project/ website for organization due today and i am wondering how to get the background of my iframe or table cell into a semi-transparent background. most of the ways i have tried have not worked. here are a couple: #transbox { width: 300px; margin: 0 50px; background-color: #fff; border: 2px solid black; filter:alpha(opacity=50); opacity: 0.5; -moz-opacity:0.5; }#transbox div { padding: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: #000; filter:alpha(opacity=100); opacity: 1; -moz-opacity:1; position: relative; }<iframe src="blahblah.htm" allowtransparency="true"><body style="filter: alpha (opacity=50)"><body style="background-color: transparent;">.background{filter: alpha (opacity=50);}.textontop{color: luminous orangebackground-color: transparent;}<style type ="css/text"><!-- A:active{color:E9A63B;font-weight:none;font-family:"Arial";text-decoration:none;font-size:13;filter:alpha (opacity=100);}<body text=000000 alink=ffffff vlink=blue alink=red link=whatever><html><head> <title>Test</title></head><body background="bg.jpg"><div align="center"><table height="200" width="200" bgcolor="#FF0000" style="filter: alpha (opacity=50);"> <tr> <td><span style="position: relative;"><b>Hello There</b></td> </tr></table></div></body></html><style type="text/css">tbody {background-color:#FF6971; width: 300px; margin: 0 50px; border: 2px; filter:alpha(opacity=50); opacity: 0.5; -moz-opacity:0.5; }body,td,th { font-family: Herculanum; color: #000000;}a { font-family: Herculanum; font-size: 12pt; color: #FFFFFF;}a:link { text-decoration: none;}a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #FFFF00;}a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #E05D52;}a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF;}.style1 { color: #000000; font-family: Herculanum;}#transbox { width: 300px; margin: 0 50px; background-color: #CF0000; border: 2px solid; filter:alpha(opacity=50); opacity: 0.5; -moz-opacity:0.5; } #bg { width: 400px; height: 300px; background: url(redbg.jpg); background-repeat: repeat; border: 0; }#transbox div { font-weight: bold; color: #000000; filter:alpha(opacity=100); opacity: 1; -moz-opacity: 1; position: relative; visibility: hidden; }</style>table, tr, span, li, p, div, textarea, DIV {font-family: Herculanum;color: #000000; font-weight:normal;font-decoration:none;font-style:normal;background-color:transparent;border-color: #000000;empty-cells:hide;}td, li, p, div, textarea {font-family: Herculanum;border-color: #000000;} table{border-color: #000000;}a.navbar{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold;}a.navbar:link{color: #CCCCCC;}a.navbar:active{color: #FFCC00;}a.navbar:visited{color: #CCCCCC;}a.navbar:hover{color: #FFCC00;}a.searchlinkSmall{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:12pt;text-decoration:none;font-weight:normal;}a.searchlinkSmall:link{color: #999999;}a.searchlinkSmall:active{color: #FF0033;}a.searchlinkSmall:visited{color: #999999;}a.searchlinkSmall:hover{color: #FF0033;}body{font-family: Herculanum;background-color: #89100D;background-image:url(DanceFloor1-0_big.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;}.nametext{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:16pt;color: #000000;font-weight:bold;}.blacktext10{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:12pt;color: #FF0000;font-weight:normal;}.blacktext12{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:12pt;color: #999999;font-weight:normal;}.btext, .itext, .text{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:14pt;color: #FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;}.orangetext15{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:14pt;color: #FFFFFF;font-weight:none;}.lightbluetext8{font-family: Herculanum;font-size:14pt;color: #FFFFFF;font-weight:none;}.tmz_imp{font-family:arial;color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold}a img{border-color: #666666;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;filter:Alpha(Opacity=60);}a:hover img{border-color: #666666;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;filter:none;}body{scrollbar-arrow-color: #FF0000;scrollbar-Track-color: #990000;scrollbar-Highlight-color: #FF0000;scrollbar-base-color: #FF0000;scrollbar-Face-color: #990000;scrollbar-Shadow-color: #FF0000;scrollbar-DarkShadow-color: #FF0000;} the first two are from sites, the other two are by me.... or tried by me. the 2nd one is from techguys.com and the first is forgot. thx.
  3. FLY_dansa

    JS help!!

    not sure if this is used in js or not. but i want to create a list that constantly scrolls up and loops around to be seen again or jus u can scroll and look at it. but i was wondering how to do that is one cell of a table in a table. thanks!!
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