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Everything posted by jobarb

  1. jobarb

    Better Sql Statement

    Thank you for our reply, Sorry for the long delay in responding, this covit thing ..... What i am trying to accomplish is a gross profit report based on sale items sold for a given period Kind Regards Jo
  2. Hi. I am new to this forum . I have the following sql select statement select SUM(QTY), DESCRIPTION, PRICE ,SALESTAX,COSTPRICE, SUM(QTY*PRICE) as subtotal, SUM(QTY*PRICE) * SALESTAX / (SALESTAX+100) as vat, SUM(QTY*PRICE) - SUM(QTY*PRICE) * SALESTAX / (SALESTAX+100) as SELLINGPRICEEXVAT , SUM(QTY*COSTPRICE) as totalcost, round(((SUM(QTY*PRICE))- (SUM(QTY*PRICE) * SALESTAX / (SALESTAX+100)) - SUM(QTY*COSTPRICE)),2) as GP, ((((SUM(QTY*PRICE))- SUM(QTY*PRICE) * SALESTAX / (SALESTAX+100)) - SUM(QTY*COSTPRICE)) / (SUM(QTY*PRICE)- SUM(QTY*PRICE) * SALESTAX / (SALESTAX+100)))* 100 as perc from SALESITEMSHISTORY where (Qty >0 and price > 0) group by MENUFAMILY,QTY,DESCRIPTION,PRICE,SALESTAX,COSTPRICE can any one please inform me if it's possible to have a better or more efficient way to write this. executed on a table with 780642 records takes about 6.24 secs on localhost core i7 laptop, might take long on remote server from a client with a weaker pc. Using win10 with firebird db Thank you Best regards Joao
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