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Il Domandatore

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  1. On my site I have games via iframe. These are put with the HTML. However, I don't have a button to access full screen players. I've been looking through some of your articles, but I've found a button with some text. That's not what I'm looking for, because I want it to have an icon. Could you give me the right guide?
  2. @Ingolme I put the code you suggested, but it didn't take effect. I tried other changes with the word break and the container gets shorter. As you can see, this is not the problem, because the payment container is shorter. https://imgur.com/a/q4rkzzE
  3. @IngolmeThe flex-basis doesn't work properly. The margin pushes up a row. Changing the flex-basis or width value becomes useless when I put 4px or higher margin. https://imgur.com/a/NjbunKi
  4. How can I join the three buttons to have them side by side?
  5. I tried the email solution, but it didn't work. p.donor-contact-details { overflow-wrap: break-word !important; } https://oldfreegame.com/en/campaigns/extend-the-website-contract/donate/
  6. I have 3 buttons, they are not aligned with each other and they are on 3 lines. I wish they were on one line. The buttons are: Log in, Register, Lost your password. https://imgur.com/a/vBuQ9c8 https://oldfreegame.com/en/login/?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Foldfreegame.com%2Fen%2F
  7. I have had this problem for some time; On the Chrome developer tool, I enable the option for mobile view. Why do I see differently? If I load the page for the first time, it loads almost fine. Then the page is enlarged for no reason and the layout shifts to the right. I cleared the cache but nothing to do. it is a frequent problem when I put my cell phone view. https://imgur.com/a/DTyCH0I I also tried incognito browsing, but it loads everything bigger than it should. You can try the page at https://oldfreegame.com/en/campaigns/extend-the-website-contract/donate/. I imagine you will see the page on the mobile in another way. https://imgur.com/a/1peHTQC
  8. I've made CSS changes to the login text and text fields, but the changes don't stay. /* It removes the border and outline in the login text field. */ input#user_login:focus-visible { outline: none !important; border: none !important; } /* It removes the border and outline in the login text field. */ input#user_pass:focus-visible { outline: none !important; border: none !important; } /* It removes the border in the login text field. */ input#user_pass { border: none !important; } /*It adds the hover outline in the login text field. */ input#user_pass:hover { outline: 3px solid black !important; } /*It adds the hover outline in the login text field. */ input#user_login:hover { outline: 3px solid black !important; } /* It removes the underline on login on the menu. */ .site-header-above-section-right-center.site-header-section.ast-flex.ast-grid-right-center-section a:link { text-decoration: none !important; } Login Results unchanged.
  9. Ok, writing what with the media query? I don't know how to solve the problem I asked you. Or was it enough to remove the width of two CSS codes?
  10. We are sure? Don't I end up finding the desktop version limited to 300 px? Min-width would make sense, but you're the expert. Tell me, what should I write or modify the CSS?
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